Episode 5- Welcome Home

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Jorah took another sip of his milk.

Had it really been two weeks since their meeting with the Director to set up this ridiculous plan?

Since then he'd tried every way imaginable to get out of it. This plan of living with Nine stunk.

The Director said he wanted to improve their chemistry. He was no scientist but he could make a pretty good guess the kind of chemistry they might get from having them live together might be of the explosive variety that would result in injuries.

Since their run-in at the club their work relations had deteriorated appallingly, no wonder the Director was desperate. Jorah was sure the man was fervently praying that this idea of his would result in a modern day miracle.

Jorah plopped on to the sofa. Fortunately his penthouse was always pristine so he hadn't had to do much in preparation for Nine's arrival, not that he would have.

Since the announcement of the proposal there had been quite a bit of back and forthing to decide on the arrangements. Whose place would they live in? Nine's place? Jorah disagreed. Why should he live with him?

Jorah's place? Nine's manager disagreed. Why should his client be the one to move?

Egos and stubbornness locked horns like bulls and so in the end they reached a worthy compromise which the Director felt would also help their goal.

They would spend time at both places in order to get a 'deeper understanding of each other' to use the Director's words exactly.

After the split had been decided, the next matter to iron out was who would move in with the other first? That was decided using one of the oldest and most tried methods: A coin toss.

Heads. Jorah had won and so Nine would be the one to move in first.

Jorah looked at his watch. 7:45. They agreed that he'd be there by 8. That's exactly why he'd left the penthouse. Even if they wanted him to do this, no one said he had to make it easy for them.

For the better part of an hour he'd been lounging in the penthouse next door, waiting.

Walking to the large window overlooking the street he glanced down. A pointless endeavour considering he would not be able to recognize anyone. From this high up the people looked like ants.

Doubling back, he sat before the screen and waited for the show to start.

At exactly 8 pm, he watched on the screen as two people approached the Penthouse. Shortly after, he heard the bell ring.

The bell rang again.

He watched as the duo turned to each other.

Nine rang the bell again.

"Can't you see no one's home." Jorah smiled. "Now turn around and leave."

Rather than leaving, Nine sat on his suitcase while his manager seemed to be making a phone call.

Neither of them had his number so he was sure they weren't calling him.

When his phone rang, he was surprised.

"Tanner." he picked up

"Where the hell are you?" Tanner immediately began to scold.

"I'm home." Jorah replied.

"Jesus Christ." Tanner's voice was strained "What kind of stunt are you trying to pull now?"

"What do you mean?" Jorah feigned innocence.

"Nine and his Manager are at your door."

"That was today?" Jorah gasped.

"Jesus Christ kid." Tanner groaned. "Can you please cut the bullshit for once. God. Where are you?"

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