Episode 10.5 - You're in Trouble

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Both couples would be shooting today. The whole reason they had come to this island in the first place was to shoot these very important scenes. They'd had some fun, now it was time for work.

It was almost midday. The cameras were set up, and the actors were on set, casting furtive glances at each other. This scene could not have come at a worse time for either of them because it was a love scene. Neither of them wanted to be close to each other right now, but the show had to go on.

Jorah had arranged weeks prior for all intimate scenes to be shot on closed sets with minimal staff. He anticipated Norris would be shy, having no experience. As for himself, he didn't want too many prying eyes watching while he was rolling around in the sack with Nine, even if it was pretend.

This location was on the western side of the island. Unlike the bungalows Jorah and Nine stayed in, this suite was multilevel, and they would be shooting on the second floor. The room overlooked the ocean, with green palm trees dancing in the breeze and azure waters sparkling on the horizon.

Reading the script, Jorah cursed the author again in his heart. Why had she written a scene with so much touching and kissing? He glanced at Nine, who was having balm applied to his lips. Lips that would soon be on his.

Dressed in a dark suit with a holstered gun, Nine looked out of place in the tropical setting. There was a bruise on the left side of his face, and a makeup artist touched up the red marks on his knuckles.

When the final preparations were made, the Director called them together. Standing within arm's length of Nine filled Jorah with tension.

"Okay," the Director addressed them. "We're going to start with you two coming into the room. You're both on edge and frustrated. Let that frustration and the other emotions you feel for each other boil over."

"As for when things get physical, just do whatever you're comfortable doing," he instructed.

Jorah chewed on the words. He didn't dare look Nine in the face.

The set was cleared except for essential staff. Everyone else, including makeup artists and stylists, would wait in the adjoining room until called. The room now held only the director, the camera operator, the sound recorder, Jorah, and Nine.

Scene 25/1. Shot 1. Take 1."

Clapper board

"And Action!"

The Protector: The Series

Ryder walked into the room, dragging Landon by the wrist.

"Who were those people?" he asked Ryder as he released his wrist.

Ryder hesitated. "I don't know." He checked the room.

"What are you doing?" Landon asked.

"Checking that there's no one here," Satisfied they were alone, Ryder said, "We're safe for now. You should get some rest. Tomorrow, I'll take you somewhere else."

Landon sank to his knees, tears welling in his eyes. "I can't do this anymore," he whispered.

An alarmed Ryder dropped to his knees beside Landon "What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Landon sniffled. "I can't..."

While executing the scene, Jorah tried to recall Michelle's words about accessing his emotional cavity to access the emotional planes of his character.

A tear rolled down Landon's cheek

"And Cut!" The Director yelled. At the word, Jorah's head immediately shot up and he wiped his eyes

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