Chapter 1

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A/N: After long consideration I have decided to try one last time to reupload this fic. I hope you enjoy! Also, I obviously do not own any of the characters of The Vampire Diaries or the Originals, certain dialogue of both shows may have been used for creative purposes. 

Lots of love

Once home from a long evening shift at the local bar, Luna flops down on the couch. Tiredly she kicks her shoes off. Her evening had been long as there was certainly no shortage of drunks and nagging customers.

After zapping through the channels for some time, she decides to give in to watching her guilty pleasure: The Vampire Diaries. Although she can't stand most of the characters due to their irreparably annoying personality traits, she still finds the show entertaining, especially when it came down to the Mikaelson-related episodes.

However, this moment of rest was short-lived. Outside she could hear a loud crash, followed by several voices bickering with each other.

Luna froze, wondering if she should investigate the source of the disturbance, which was coming from her garden. After a moment of hesitation, she decides she couldn't deny her curiosity any longer. With a sigh, she throws off the blanket she was under.

"Great idea, Luna. Like any character at the beginning of a horror movie, let's go towards the unknown, possible serial killers outside," She mutters whilst picking up the aluminum baseball bat from the hall, and making her way towards the back door.

"Shh, I think someone's coming."

Luna frowns, whoever they were, they were evidently unfamiliar with the concept of whispering.

"Hey, don't push me!"

This statement sparked further disputes amongst the people outside.

The bickering of the strangers on the other side of the door reminded her of her little nephews. Rolling her eyes she pushes the curtain back and unlocks the door.

She rubs her eyes tiredly while gaping at the group of odd-dressed intruders. Without thinking she switched on the outdoor lighting, which also inadvertently drew the attention of one of the strangers to her, the others still engaged in their heated quarrel.

There was a moment of absolute silence as the eldest sibling, Finn Mikaelson, looked at the woman in the doorway.

His breath caught in his throat as the realization dawned on him. It was her. She was his reason for being, the one he waited for all his life. This woman is his soulmate.

The anger and betrayal he felt when he was finally awoken after 900 years was spontaneously forgotten. He immediately regrets his involvement in his mother's plans. The idea of sacrificing himself to make his mother's guilt disappear was now long gone.

"Damn, you guys look even hotter in real life" Luna mutters incredulously, not looking away. Immediately she felt the need to hit her head against the nearest wall, she had finally gotten her voice back, and of course, she used it to blurt out something inappropriate.

Luna's sudden statement now also caught the attention of the other Mikaelson siblings. Rebekah looked appraisingly at the unknown young woman, abandoning her heated argument with Kol.

Elijah, the second oldest, could not believe his eyes. Previous affections towards various Petrova's descendants were nothing compared to this otherworldly sense of belonging he was experiencing now. It was as if a lost puzzle piece finally fell into place.

Tilting his head slightly, Niklaus took in the image of the woman before him. A warm, alien feeling spread through his body and swallowed him whole. Under his, hopefully, casual demeanor, his instincts were about to run wild. Immediately a sense of familiarity took hold of him.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now