Chapter 57

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"Do I look like an arsonist?" Rebekah wonders out loud whilst nursing her fifth drink. Dinner in the Grill had soon turned to consuming alcoholic beverages instead, not that any of the others had complained. Rebekah had just shared her fond memory of setting fire to the Wickery bridge to Enzo.

"Well, you are hot for sure." Luna replies at once, grinning lazily at her friend, eyebrows wagging.

"How much did you drink, Elskan?" Elijah inquires whilst trying his best to take Luna's glass from her. He had fully accepted Luna's bad habit of flirting with his sister, but she was looking at the blonde with a little too much interest now and he didn't want her to jump his sister. It would be highly inappropriate in the first place, besides that, his ego probably wouldn't be able to tolerate it, not that he would ever admit it.

"Not nearly enough." Luna smirks, still awkwardly winking at Rebekah, which earns her a small nip to her throat from Kol.

Luna pouts and pulls away from the vampire, only to be pulled back into Kol's chest. She would make sure not to save him again if Alpha decided to take a chomp out of him.

"How do you sleep at night?" Rebekah's voice is pretty much dripping with sarcasm as she rolls her eyes. Enzo's amused chuckle didn't go unnoticed by the blonde.

"With both eyes closed, thinking of you." Luna grins, disregarding Elijah's annoyed rumble.

• • •

"Try 'I feel' statements." Luna offers timidly, smiling nervously at the two snarling Mikaelsons. She hadn't paid attention for a few minutes, distracted by a discussion that was happening at the table beside them, only to find two of her mates growling over something insignificant, again.

"Fine." Kol nods reluctantly before turning back to face Niklaus. "I feel like you're being a stupid butt face."

"Mature." Elijah lets out a suffering sigh, not at all impressed with the behavior of his younger brothers. Not that he was complaining too much seeing as he currently had Luna cuddled into his arms.

"Yes, I like to think that I am." Kol retorts, grinning at Elijah. That grin however quickly turns into a scowl after a crumpled-up napkin is thrown in his face. "That's my face." He complains whilst fixing the hybrid with an annoyed look. It hadn't hurt, but it was annoying nonetheless.

Niklaus grins satisfied, he was certain Luna wouldn't approve if he started throwing knives in public, so he went with the next best thing. "Good, that was my target."

• • •

"Finn, honey, why did you text me?" Luna looks up at Finn with a confused expression when she sees his name pop up on her screen. She grabs the device and unlocks it, blinking in surprise as she sees the content of the message.

"It's sexting?" Finn replies softly, glad that his sister and her mate were entertaining themselves with the dartboard across the Grill.

"Oh." Luna still looks confused and does her best to ignore Niklaus's chuckling.

"Kol showed me." Finn explains, nodding his head a little.

"Kol showed you? Did he now?" Luna slowly turns her head to look at the Mikaelson. "And to who is Kol sexting?" She does her best to keep her tone even, not wanting to know where Kol had picked up on the concept. As far as she knew, both men were absent when the mobile phone was invented, let alone sexting.

"No one, Angel. I would only send dirty text messages to you." Kol promises at once, disliking the direction this conversation was heading. He had learned of the concept via television and had enthusiastically shared it with Finn. He enjoyed teaching his big brother about modern-day concepts, even if he didn't fully grasp them himself.

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