Chapter 78

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A/N: Hello darlings, here we are, chapter 78. I am well aware that there are some writing mistakes/errors in the story so far. English is not my first language and most of this story is written well beyond a reasonable hour (Creativity often tends to hit past 1 am). I do plan on editing the entire thing, this updated version will later be available on Ao3. So I do apologize for any errors, inconsistencies. :)

For now, please enjoy,

Lots of love,

"You look terrible." Niklaus grins as he enters the basement, eyes eagerly drinking in Katherine's misery.

His gaze is drawn to the source of the noise. She had been banging against the bars with a utensil.

His little mate had been insistent on offering their prisoner a hearty meal and some blood, arguing that it wasn't in good Christmas cheer to let someone starve in their basement. Niklaus of course had been perfectly alright with letting the pesky doppelgänger mummify for all he cared, but had given in upon hearing Luna's pleas. He really ought to build some defenses against his mate's tactics of persuasion.

"Finally." Katherine groans. Dropping the spoon and opting to clutch her head instead. She was sporting quite the headache, and it hadn't been solved by the measly amount of blood she had been granted. Also, the toxins in Niklaus's venom had caused her to suffer from quite a nasty fever.

"We have given ear to your... calling. What is it that you want?" Elijah asks dryly, lip curling up in disgust as he sees the doppelgänger batting her lashes up at him. Her continuous attempts at swaying him into leniency were anything but subtle and a little pathetic in his opinion.

"I want to be let go." Katherine snaps. Perhaps taking on a more polite tone would benefit her case, but she couldn't bring herself to do so when she has been stuck inside here for god knows how long.

"Tsk tsk, that's not how this works." Niklaus takes on a disapproving expression.

"At least tell me if the spell worked." Katherine groans. Informing her of the probability of her making it out of there alive was the least they could do in her opinion.

Niklaus shares a look with his brother, silently debating how much information they should spill to the prisoner.

Elijah growls lowly, he wants to get back to his mate. Her needs were far more important than those of the betraying and backstabbing vampire before him.

• • •

"Oh no."

"What? What's wrong? What do you see?" Rebekah frantically spins around, looking for any signs of her brothers.

"I just realized something." Luna begins, her expression a mix between dread and worry.

"What?" Rebekah narrows her eyes cautiously. She was not above hitting her faux pregnant friend if she were to make another inappropriate remark.

"Nik is going to be so smug." Luna drops her head in a defeated manner. "I mean- if I were to be pregnant."

"He's going to be insufferable." Rebekah agrees, nodding sagely.

Luna shoots her friend a cautious look. "If I am... pregnant, maybe we can... not tell them."

"What? Keep it a secret?"

"Yeah, and when I hit the four-month mark, I will just... move to Switzerland." Luna nods happily, perfectly content with her faulty vision.

"You do know they will notice the pregnancy hormones and hear the heartbeat of your baby, right?" Rebekah wasn't sure why she was still entertaining her friend's ridiculous notions. Perhaps this was the unconditional part of her friendship with Luna; putting up with nonsensical ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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