Chapter 4

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After the hospital visit, the Mikaelsons efficiently store the groceries in the cupboards, which had never been this full.

Luna gulps when she sees the disturbing amount of infamous red bags in her fridge and quickly closes the door. She was almost certain the Mikaelsons would soon switch back to a living food source.

She had the suspicion that the Mikaelsons were holding themselves back for her, so as not to scare her away. However, she did not understand why they cared. Why should her opinion matter, and why would they possibly dread the judgment of an insignificant human? Besides, they knew she was already familiar with their typical behavior, thanks to the TV show. She was nevertheless extremely grateful she hadn't stumbled upon any mutilated corpses yet.

Finn prepared an elaborate lunch for them and although the Mikaelsons didn't need to eat, they considered it to be a pleasant social affair to partake in. He hands Luna an extra loaded plate and hovers around her to make sure she would eat at least half of it.

Luna rolls her eyes at this and demonstratively takes a few big bites. She knew he and the others were concerned about her diet, but it seemed unnecessary in her opinion, she had been fine so far. What did it matter, that she would rather have a cup of coffee than a plate of oatmeal in the mornings?

Despite Finn's obvious insistence, Luna had to admit that the food tasted fantastic. She didn't expect Finn to be able to cook as well as he did.

He told her that after being introduced to modern-day technology he enjoys watching cooking shows in his free time, and he also wanted to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Luna smiles fondly at this discovery. It pleased her to hear that Finn had found something enjoyable to do.

Kol starts to get impatient and begins poking Luna, thinking this would encourage her to eat faster. He believed he had waited long enough and was eager to see himself on the big screen.

Luna, who was having a conversation with Niklaus regarding the renaissance, quickly slaps Kol's hand away.

Kol pouts at this and gingerly prods her again.

"Let Luna eat in peace, Kol. Or I will snap your neck, and we'll watch the show without you." Elijah grumbles, immensely irritated by Kol's inappropriate behavior.

Kol growls lightly at this reprimand, but finally drops his hand.

• •

Kol and Luna were excitedly bouncing in their seats. They had all settled themselves in the living room to finally watch the TV show. The Mikaelsons and Luna were currently crammed on the sofa, except for Rebekah, who felt above such things as snuggling with her family.

Luna suggested starting with the episode 'Bringing out the dead'. None of them fancied the prospect of having to watch three seasons of Elena's love life before they finally got to see themselves in action. Rebekah had gagged at the mere suggestion, which amused the others to no end.

Luna was thrilled to watch the TV show together with the characters themselves. She was however slightly concerned about their reactions, after all, it had to be weird to see yourself on TV. Knowing that thousands of people know your face and backstory. Although the Mikaelsons were quite well known in supernatural circles as the oldest and most feared family in their universe, their past was unknown to most, which they preferred.

Although the events of the episode they were going to watch had already taken place, the Mikaelsons were still wary. They would never admit it, but they were concerned about how they would be portrayed. Until now, Luna seemed completely okay with their nature, but they were still worried that seeing their less appropriate behavior with them next to her would make her recoil in fear or look at them with disgust.

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