Chapter 64

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A/N: The camping trip is coming to an end, meaning we will continue on with the story back in Mystic Falls. I had hoped to end this book around the 80 chapters but I think it will be a bit longer seeing as quite a bit still has to happen before we can move on with the events for the sequel.
Lots of love,

Luna hurries her way back to the tent, eager to get back into the warm embrace of one of her mates, she however freezes on the spot when her eyes meet those of a large brown-haired wolf. "Hey, Nik? Remember how you wanted to find those wolves? Well, I think they found us."

Luna swallows thickly, eyes still trained on the wolf. She had forgotten any survival hacks she had seen on TV about surviving encounters with dangerous animals. She knew not to show any sign of aggression, but everything in her screamed to run for her mates.

Luna's gaze shifts slowly towards the tent, which was behind the wolf, which meant there was no way for her to reach the tent without passing the big creature. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up when she hears a soft rumbling behind her, another wolf. She hoped dearly that they were dealing with a small pack. Her mates might be near-immortal, that didn't mean she wanted them to be deliberately mauled on.

Luna carefully takes a step back from the wolf upon seeing the beast's ears stand up, his fur bristling and an aggressive snarl curling its lips. Luna's eyes widen in panic when the wolf crouches backward, clearly readying himself to pounce.

"You're snarling now, how nice. You know, you kind of remind me of Elijah when he's-" Luna halts mid-sentence and squeezes her eyes tightly shut when the wolf advances towards her.

Luna lets out a whimper when she feels a body collide with hers. She had expected sharp teeth ripping away in her throat, but was instead met with strong arms and the familiar scent of one of her mates.

• • •

"You're enjoying this...aren't you?" Damon grunts after being thrown into a tree. He looks up from his slouched position on the ground only to see several of the Mikaelson men grinning in his direction.

"I'm certainly not hating it." Niklaus admits, not bothering to pull an apologetic expression as he tears the beating organ from the chest of the wolf that had just attacked Damon.

"Are you alright, my love?" Finn asks, readjusting the duvet that had slipped from Luna's shoulders. After whisking his mate away from the attacking wolf, he had navigated her back to the tent while his brothers and the Salvatores were dealing with the wolves. It seemed the most sensible thing to Finn that he should not let his mate suffer hypothermia during the exciting events.

The brunette peels her eyes away from the entrance of the tent, the tent flap had remained open so both Finn and Luna could see what was happening outside. Niklaus had assured Finn they would keep the wolves away from the tent, but Finn didn't like to be kept in the dark.

Luna nods whilst burying herself further into Finn's embrace. For a split second, she had believed that her mates wouldn't rescue her and would let her get mauled, and she strongly disliked that fact. It may be laughable to anyone else, but the tight space of the tent gave her a sense of security and comfort.

"Next time I have to pee outdoors, you can join me." Luna admits reluctantly after a moment of silence, recognizing that a brief moment of embarrassment was relatively unimportant when it came to her safety.

"Really? I'm honored." Finn teases, nuzzling Luna's temple fondly.

"As you should be." Luna grins before her eyes light up with an idea to make the awkward prospect a little less uncomfortable on her behalf. "But you have to hum really loud, so you can't hear me."

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