Chapter 26

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"Quick question, why is there a dead guy on the coat rack?" Luna hums, blinking up at the mutilated corpse. She was sure this image would haunt her for years.

"I mean, it sure brings a whole new dimension to 'hanging around'.'" Luna laughs nervously before clearing her throat, she had tried to avoid looking at the dead bodies but seeing as they were everywhere that proved to be quite difficult.

"We might have taken your absence badly..." Elijah admits, wrapping his arms around Luna's waist. He nuzzles his face in the crook of Luna's neck. Exultantly familiarizing himself with her scent again. Although it had only been a few hours, it had felt like an eternity. Being separated from his mate like that was a horrible experience, one he didn't want to repeat anytime soon.

Luna strokes Elijah's hand with one hand and lets the other run through his hair. It seemed that her mates were in more need of reassurance than her, although she was the one who had been kidnapped. She tried her best to ignore the dried-up blood on Elijah's hands and face, she knew perfectly well that her mates were still vampires with anger issues.

"You think?!" Rebekah shouts, tripping over a dead body when she is pushed aside by Finn who was impatiently waiting his turn to also properly greet his mate.

Now that Luna was back home safely and her brothers could use their brains again, Rebekah could finally lash out at her brothers. Those morons had destroyed just about the whole house just because their mate was gone for four hours. Yes, Rebekah had also been concerned, but her worry did not result in the destruction of their properties.

"It's alright. I'm here." Luna whispers in a comforting tone of voice.

"Don't leave me again, Elskan." Elijah rumbles, fingers pressing firmly in her hips, as if she could slip away at any moment.

"I won't." Luna promises, hopefully reassuring Elijah enough to loosen his grip a little. She couldn't exactly control when she would get kidnapped or not, but she did hope it was a one-time occurrence. The Salvatores hadn't been unpleasant but she wasn't so sure about other foes of the Mikaelsons.

Elijah finally lets go of Luna, taking a step back and straightening his cuffs, which was futile seeing as his entire shirt was creased and covered in dried-up blood.

Before Luna gets a chance to blink she's already in the next set of arms. Kol had shoved Finn out of the way to get to his mate first. Contentedly purring he snuggled up to his mate, affectionately snuffing and nipping at her throat.

Luna endures Kol's sniffing willingly while letting her eyes roam the foyer, grimacing at the multitude of bodies that had been staked to the walls and adorned the staircase.

"I have only been gone for four hours.... how?... Why?" Luna trails off, not sure how to comprehend the horrors she was seeing.

"We were...upset." Niklaus says, clearing his throat.

"Upset wouldn't even cover it! You were being downright hysterical! You weren't even this upset after we got ambushed in New Orleans by Mikael!" Rebekah shrieks, flailing her arms.

"So these were all unfortunate passerby's?" Luna asks, subtly changing the subject upon seeing the Mikaelson men wince at the mention of their father.

Rebekah's remark reminded Luna that she had to convince Rebekah to confess to her actions from the past and to inform them that Marcel was still alive and running their town.

"No some of these were witches." Elijah admits, awkwardly rubbing his hands together. He had been guilty of ripping out multiple hearts and decapitating some of their victims in his frustration and anger.

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