Chapter 2

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Luna pinches the bridge of her nose in exasperation. She felt a massive headache coming up. Undoubtedly, her tiredness and the initial shock of the situation were to blame.

Even though her feet are dragging, and she was most likely to have dark circles under her eyes, she knew she would not get any rest that night without further explanation for the peculiarity that had forced itself onto her. She had always been cursed with nocturnal worry.

She quickly put some painkillers in her mouth and washes them down with some leftover white wine from the fridge. Nothing wrong with self-medicating.

Digging into her memory, she tries to retain the original timeline of the Vampire Diaries. Thinking of clues that could explain their sudden transport to her universe. Judging by their apparel, she was almost certain the Mikaelson ball just took place. Dangerous Liaisons, one of her favorite episodes.

Taking out her phone, she quickly googles the episode to figure out what year they came from. 2010, that meant that the Mikaelsons would be in for a culture shock, especially Finn and Kol, who had been desiccated until recently.

Luna shakes her head slightly. The first thought that crossed her mind was the pity she felt for the youngest and eldest Mikaelson men. Finally released from their dreaded coffins, slightly adjusted to the new world, only to be thrown into the future, yet again.

She sympathized with the Mikaelsons. At least, the Mikaelsons she knew from TV. She has no idea whether their characters were being portrayed correctly. What if they were even more menacing in real life?

"Excellent idea, inviting them in, idiot." Luna scolds herself softly, cringing at her own naivety.

The sound of the kettle interrupts her reverie. She eagerly prepares her favorite source of caffeine and filled her oversized mug to the brim. Impatient as she was, she takes a big gulp, instantly regretting her greed when she feels the familiar burning sensation in her esophagus.

Luna blinks out of her daze when she hears several footsteps coming down her stairs, accompanied by mumbling voices. Strangely enough, the hushed sounds comforted her.

She wasn't used to this. Normally, the house was filled with silence, which Luna usually tried to counteract by playing music or turning on the TV for some background noise. No matter her efforts, this did not cover up her loneliness.

• • •

After she had given Kol and Niklaus permission to enter her house, she had immediately regretted it. She was still pretty much boxed in by the elder Mikaelsons. Each was still clasping one of her hands, which they enjoyed thoroughly. She wasn't embarrassed to say that she had flinched when Kol and Niklaus had suddenly flashed forward.

This demonstration of supernatural speed once more confirmed the vampire theory. It seemed so normal on TV. She had gotten used to seeing Stefan and Damon running all over Mystic Falls, but seeing it happen in real life was a completely different experience. She suddenly understood why the characters gasped in such dramatic fashion whenever a vampire flashed up to them.

This newfound action aroused a sense of alarm within the brunette. She felt immensely inferior in the presence of the five Mikaelsons. It had only then dawned on her that she really was surrounded by vampires, actual vampires. Vampires who could kill her at any given moment. They had killed before, they killed to sustain themselves, to punish, and to entertain. She found the last scenario particularly disturbing.

Although she had cheered extensively during the TV show every time the Mikaelsons sought retaliation, she was now less enthusiastic about the idea of the Mikaelsons killing any of her acquaintances.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now