Chapter 22

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"There has been white oak in Mystic Falls all this time?!" Kol exclaims indignantly. His face was all astonishment and loathing as he glared at Niklaus.

"Nik, what the hell?!" Rebekah shouts simultaneously. She was close to banging Niklaus's head into the nearest wall to slam some sense into him. With all of Niklaus' money and minions, she'd thought he'd done at least some research before settling his whole family in a town with an entire bridge made out of the one thing that could kill them.

"I'm sorry am I supposed to have a white oak radar? A white oak detection system?!" Niklaus snaps, not liking the fact that his family blamed him for something that was beyond his control.

In response, Rebekah hurls one of her shoes at Niklaus' head.

"That was totally uncalled for!" Niklaus shouts.

Judging by the way Niklaus had dodged the shoe quite deftly, Luna was fairly certain Rebekah had thrown shoes at her brothers before.

"You could have gotten us killed, you moron!" Rebekah deadpans, tempted to throw her second shoe, hoping this one would hit the target.

"You are fighting, again... what a surprise." Luna deadpans, calmly sipping her coffee. She snuggles herself further up in Elijah's side. He contentedly curls around her nosing at her jugular, clearly not in the mood to interfere with his siblings' squabble.

"When you are finished abusing Nik, Rebekah, please do not forget to clean up the ashes from the sign." Luna offers, insistent on not paying any further attention to the arguing siblings.

• • •

"You do not need a bat, darling." Elijah mutters, shaking his head at his mate, who was merrily swinging the weapon around.

"You may never know when it comes in handy." Luna shrugs, flashing him an innocent smile.

Elijah sighs, taking the bat from her hand and holding it for her, she had accidentally hit his knee one too many times for his liking. With his free hand, he takes hold of hers, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.

"Couldn't they hide the damn thing in a more easily accessible place? Perhaps in a safe? Like normal people?" Kol grumbles. He had successfully bullied Finn into letting him escort Luna instead.

Finn had rolled his eyes and wanted to chastise Kol but decided it wouldn't be worth it. After all, he would have Luna in his bed that night, he made sure to rub that fact into Kol's face before agreeing.

"It's pretty smart, the whole no vampires allowed thing." Luna admits. "It is however insane that you guys have actually been in the caverns in your human time, that you've left your mark." Luna adds, remembering the flashback where Rebekah had carved their names into one of the walls.

"Yes, back then Rebekah had already been a fan of vandalism." Elijah comments dryly.

• • •

"Should have brought marshmallows." Rebekah mutters, looking at the burning bridge.

She felt quite smug about her accomplishment, she had dug the sign out of the ground and thrown it into the fire. This way all the ashes would end up in the water, seeing as the last thing Rebekah wanted was to vacuum a patch of grass.

• • •

"I'm sorry." Niklaus suddenly speaks up. The brothers had been sitting at the bar in silence, both sipping their drinks, waiting docilely on their attackers. Niklaus turns his head, looking at Finn, who had been toying with one of the beer mats.

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