Chapter 62

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"Will you stop that?" Rebekah shoots Stefan a withering glare. The vampire had been continuously tapping the counter whilst waiting for the bread to rise, annoying her relentlessly.

Rebekah had hoped for some alone time with Enzo without the continuous interruption of one of her brothers or Luna but had forgotten that the Salvatores had the key to their house.

Their arrival was the reason why she was now playing babysitter to the two vampires. Stefan and Damon might have earned the status of 'family friend', that didn't mean the Mikaelsons were willing to bare their souls and darkest secrets to them, including certain dark objects hidden in the mansion.

"No." Stefan replies, believing Rebekah meant his baking. This was about the longest time he had to spend in the Mikaelson kitchen without Finn breathing over his shoulder, watching his every move. He was going to make full use of Finn's absence. It was safe to say that he didn't plan on using the Original's stupid pantry scoops. "Luna always lets me-"

"Well, Luna isn't here right now!" Rebekah snaps. Out of frustration, she had broken the cup she had been holding. With a frustrated huff, she pushes the shards in a pile, planning on cleaning it up later.

"Don't you have to... do something at your own home? Mow the grass?" Rebekah wasn't sure what the Salvatores exactly did before they started hanging out with the local youth of Mystic Falls.

"Nah, Stef and I are going for a more 'natural garden' look." Damon replies, entering the kitchen, followed by the two cats. He might have let himself be lured into playing with them.

"Any updates on Bonnie?" Stefan asks after peeking under the tea towel-covered bowl. After the bread was risen he would start preparing the cupcake batter.

Damon raises his brow in question upon seeing the pile of broken ceramics.

"Don't ask." Rebekah mutters.

"I won't." Damon assures before turning to look at Stefan, who was still awaiting an answer. "Bon Bon is still out like a light."

• • •

"Hmm, Kol?" Luna mumbles sleepily as she feels someone shuffling behind her, a second later she is pulled flush into someone's chest. She scrunches her nose up before actually opening her eyes, coming face to face with the vacated spot where Niklaus had lain.

"Good morning, little Angel." Kol drops his head to press a kiss to the back of Luna's neck, lips lingering at the underside of her jaw.

"Good morning." Luna blinks and shuffles under the heavy pile of blankets, confused to see none of her other mates in the tent.

"If you keep wriggling like that, you are going to get me into a rather tricky predicament, darling." Kol purrs, fingers tracing Luna's collarbone.

"Sorry." Luna instantly freezes and tries to ignore the several inappropriate scenarios that were floating around in her mind. As far as she knew, Kol wasn't exactly an exhibitionist, but she was certain he wouldn't let himself be stopped just because his brothers were within earshot. She deemed it best to divert his attention. "Where are your brothers?"

"Hmm, let's see," Kol mumbles the words against Luna's skin. "Nikkie is running around in his dog form, Elijah is probably ironing his suit on the nearest tree trunk, and Finn is preparing breakfast."

"Candy?" Luna asks, remembering her conversation with Niklaus the previous night. She knew it wasn't the healthiest option, but she was certain Finn would force her to eat vegetables upon her return either way.

"Leafy tea." Kol scoffs, unimpressed by the lack of nutrition he could provide for his mate. They really ought to kill something non-human today. If they failed, he wouldn't mind feeding her his blood, knowing it would provide some energy, even if it wasn't a substitute for real food.

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