Chapter 59

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"Oh my god, Rebekah. I know you're attracted to me, but this is very straightforward. I could have been naked, but then again, you already have seen the goods... Does Enzo know you're here?" Luna rambles energetically as she sees Rebekah sitting on her bed.

Luna had just gotten dressed for the Winter Wonderland event in Finn's room and came back to fetch a pair of earrings. It was a bit confusing, having clothes and jewelry spread out in five different rooms, but it was manageable.

"Please stop talking." Rebekah sighs.

"Oh, like that, hm?" Luna wags her brows whilst cuddling Alpha, he had followed her to her room. She had always thought only puppies followed their owners, but perhaps her cats had abandonment issues, they would fit right in with the Mikaelson men.

"Luna, I merely came here to-"

"Tempt me?" Luna offers unhelpfully.

"To borrow your necklace." Rebekah says, rolling her eyes at Luna's persistent flirting. A small smile forms at her lips when Cheeto also walks into the room. The cat attempts to jump onto the bed and fails. Taking pity on the small creature, Rebekah picks it up and starts to pet it, reluctant at first but with more affection the longer she did so.

"What necklace?" Luna asks, already on her way to her jewelry box. She hoped dearly that the blonde wouldn't make her walk all the way back to Kol's room.

"The necklace my brothers gave you last week. I know it's still fairly new, but it would go amazing with my dress and-" Rebekah takes on a pleading look, wanting to look her best as always. She could of course went through her own collection of jewelry, but new pieces always attracted her more. It explained why Rebekah kept buying things she didn't need.

Luna takes on a confused expression at Rebekah's words and cuts the blonde off. "They haven't given me-"

"Rebekah!" Niklaus shouts, running into Luna's bedroom to glare at his sister, effectively shutting the blonde up. He and his brothers had wanted to give their mate the necklace Rebekah was referring to, but as always, something came up before they had the chance to. They had planned to give it tonight at the event, but of course, Rebekah had to spoil the surprise.

"What?" Rebekah snaps. She didn't enjoy being shouted at. The blonde makes a soothing noise when she feels the cat on her lap tense up at the loud voices.

Niklaus's gaze shifts to Luna, does a double-take in her outfit. "You look amazing, little love." Niklaus compliments earnestly before shifting his gaze back to his sister. "We haven't given her the necklace." Niklaus whispers harshly.

"Whoops." Rebekah grins sheepishly at Niklaus, understanding she had said too much.

Niklaus remains silent, glaring at Rebekah. He was underwhelmed at his sister's apathetic reaction, not even an apology.

"So... what necklace?" Luna asks after a moment of silence, eyes shifting between the two Mikaelsons.

"I don't know what you're referring to, love." Niklaus's faux confusion could be called adorable at best.

"You do know I heard you hissing towards Bekah, right?" Luna asks amused, raising a skeptical brow. For a thousand-year-old serial killer he really did suck at lying, but perhaps he was only bad with lying to her, this idea warmed her heart.

"Of course." Niklaus nods his head, refraining himself from face-palming himself. "We-"

"Wait!" Kol runs into the room next, waving a Bordeaux red box in the air, ribbon falling off along the way.

"Kol, be careful." Elijah admonishes as he also enters the room, followed by Finn.

"I am careful." Kol protests. He is about to throw the box he was holding into Elijah's face to retaliate, but the box is timely plucked from his clutch by Niklaus.

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