Chapter 18

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"Everything will be fine. We can handle those petty Salvatores and mother won't touch you. This I promise." Kol assures, looking intently into Luna's eyes. "You only have to enjoy yourself and stay close to one of my brothers, leave the rest to us." He purrs, rubbing his cheek against hers.

Luna nods, wishing to believe him, but not certain if this was a promise Kol could keep.

"How was... Elena?" Luna asks, trying to keep her voice casual.

"As appalling as can be." Kol assures her, lips brushing her ear. "If it makes you feel better, she looked almost green with envy. The doppelganger couldn't keep her eyes off you in your pretty dress, just like me." Kol rumbles possessively, his hold on his mate tightening slightly.

Luna swallows thickly, blushing heavily at Kol's declaration.

"As far as I can tell, she was staring at Stefan, not me." Luna points out, nonetheless pleased to hear that Kol didn't have too much fun with the doppelganger.

"What about Stefan? Did he bother you, Angel?" Kol hums, nose pressing into Luna's hair, nuzzling her. He was relishing in having his mate in his arms.

"I'd be happy to teach the disrespectful sod a lesson." Kol offers, growling softly and already imagining numerous bloody scenarios.

Perhaps he could offer Luna a nice souvenir. He wonders briefly if his mate would appreciate the heart, or any other organ, of the Salvatore in a silver box or rather a gold one.

Luna giggles. "Kol, you're a menace..." She lovingly brushes her fingers through the hairs on the back of his neck.

"And you love it." Kol grins, quickly pressing a kiss to her jaw, head dipping lower to nose at her neck.

Luna sighs softly, enjoying his nosing but also worrying that it could attract unwanted attention. "Kol" Luna warns gently when she feels his teeth grazing her jugular.

Kol lets out a small groan, annoyed that he has to halt his efforts. Reluctantly he straightens back up, smiling innocently at his mate.

• • •

Elijah smiles fondly at the sound of his mate's giggling. Like his brothers, he had tensed up when she landed in the arms of the Salvatore. Although all four of them argue for her attention, they preferred that over the idea of someone else getting close to their mate.

Elijah had hoped to sneak a dance in with his mate but knew it would be inappropriate to fling his younger brother across the room, no matter how tempting the reward.

Shifting his gaze slightly he sees he's not the only one looking in their direction, he sees both the Salvatore brothers and his own brothers gazing in their direction. Elijah grimaces, none of his brothers, he included, were very successful at the whole 'suppress your urges' part they were supposed to uphold.

Elijah feels someone staring at him. He turns his face to look at Elena, who had been studying him for a while. Elijah had been absentminded and quiet during most of their dance. His touch feather-light, no desire to accidentally bring the doppelganger any close to him than necessary.

Elena forces a smile, trying to hide the tension she was currently experiencing. She had just endured the most uncomfortable event of her life, dancing with the bad-tempered Kol Mikaelson. Kol hadn't bothered to look at her during the dance, let alone talk. It wasn't exactly a promising first meeting.

If that wasn't terrible enough, Elena also had to watch Stefan dance with the new girl, he almost seemed to be enjoying his conversation with her, which annoyed her even more.

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