Chapter 70

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Sexual content warning because the tiniest bit of morning sex is implied :)

"Good morning, my love." Finn mumble.

"Good morning, honey."

"What are you smiling about?" Luna mumbles, trying to shield her face with her hands. Memories of last night made her a little shy.

"You look beautiful." Finn replies simply, fingers brushing over his mate's throat. Hickeys scattered the skin.

"You're just saying that. I'm a mess." Luna laughs. She rolls onto her side, her hand landing on Finn's chest.

"You don't look like a mess." He murmurs, before ducking his head, lips brushing over Luna's jaw. "You look... used. Properly fucked." Finn rumbles, not hiding his pleased smirk.

"It seems you've achieved your goal, then." Luna comments dryly. Alright, the Mikaelson men were fully entitled to act as smug as they often did when it came to bedroom matters, but there was no shame in at least pretending to be a little modest.

"I have." Finn grins smugly, hand sliding between their bodies, swiftly finding his mate's core again.

Luna lets out a small moan, instinctively widening her legs a little.

"Sore here, dearest?" Finn teases, fingers dipping inside her, carefully stretching her.

"A little." Luna mumbles, hand lowering to cover Finn's hand with her own, encouraging him to keep moving.

"Hmm, you're being very docile this morning." Finn praises as he rolls on top of her, ignoring the soft whine from his mate when he retracts his hand from her core.

"Don't get used to it." Luna mutters as she wiggles in anticipation underneath Finn.

"I wouldn't dare." Finn grins, hips slanting, pressing himself into his mate once more.

• • •

"Why our house? Why not use that big Original bank account of yours and buy a house." Damon complains. He and Stefan had arrived early to enjoy breakfast at the mansion. Although he had no well-founded reason as to why he should not lend his house to the Mikaelsons, he still wanted to challenge the decision.

"We wouldn't want to fabricate the homely feeling your house radiates merely for those three in some run-down house outside Mystic Falls." Niklaus sniffs.

He thought it unnecessary to buy and decorate a new house for an evening with the Trinity, especially when there is already a perfect, well no, not perfect, but an adequate home at their disposal. In addition, Niklaus would not be aggrieved if there was a reason for destroying some of the Salvatores' furniture. An eye for an eye and all that.

"Good morning." Luna chirps as she steps into the crowded dining room, followed by a very pleased-looking Finn.

"Good morning, Angel!" Kol shouts, running up to his mate for a hug. He shoots Finn an accusing look, fully blaming his older brother for their tardiness.

"Hello, honey." Luna smiles, letting herself lean into the hug.

"Did you sleep well, love?" Niklaus asks, looking up from the infamous binder that was laid out in front of him to look at his mate. The bags under her eyes seemed to have increased, and a small part of his brain blamed Finn for this. It wasn't hard to guess what the two had been up to all night, judging by the marks on his mate's skin.

"I did, thank you. What are you reading?"

"Some background stuff." Niklaus smiles. He found his mate's little annotation throughout the binder quite funny. Most of the notes were her opinions on certain characters, and she wasn't afraid to voice her dislike.

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