Chapter 42

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"Hunter, quarterback, and Little Gilbert. It seems like the time has come for you to prove your usefulness." Niklaus announces, slapping Matt hard on his shoulder, which makes the boy almost fall over.

Matt nods a little after refinding his footing, glad to not be one of Niklaus's victims, less glad however to be on the receiving side of the hybrid's 'affection'. He wonders briefly how Luna managed to be the full-time mate to four of them when he could barely handle being in a classroom with them for a few hours. He had seen things that would surely haunt him for years.

"What are you doing Bonnie?" Enzo asks interestedly as he sees Bonnie frantically writing something down on a piece of the map she had used for the locator spell.

"When Elena got kidnapped a few years back, I sent her a message to let her know help was coming. I am doing the same for Luna." Bonnie replies before crumpling the paper up and chanting softly under her breath, eyes closed.

"What did it say?" Kol asks promptly, frowning a little. If he hadn't been busy killing teenagers he too might have come up with that idea.

"That we are coming for her, to hold on just a little longer." Bonnie replies, trying her best not to look too smug at the slightly impressed look on Niklaus's face.

"Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you." Elijah says giving the Bennett witch a small sincere smile. Now that they were closer to getting Luna back the Original was apt to be a bit more polite again.

Kol gives a curt nod to the witch, not able to be anything but wound up with worry. He would be nice and grateful when his mate was in his arms and not a second before that.

"Yeah yeah, you guys can snog later, first save Luna." Niklaus grumbles as he catches Rebekah and Enzo getting a little too cozy for his liking.

Rebekah rolls her eyes but disentangles herself from Enzo's arms anyway. Niklaus was being dramatic, she wasn't snogging with Enzo, they were talking, but she also understood that seeing their closeness could be a thorn in Niklaus's eye.

"Alright, let's not postpone this whole rescue operation any longer." Niklaus announces, having wasted enough time in his opinion with chit-chat.

"What about me?" Elena asks in a hoarse voice, she had finally regained consciousness. Despite her throbbing hands she manages to sit up straight, looking expectantly at the group before her.

Jeremy looks away sullenly and quickly leaves the room, followed by Bonnie, Caroline, Matt, and Alaric.

"What about you? Suffering a shortage of attention again?" Rebekah taunts, lip curling up in disgust at the doppelganger's indignant expression.

Elena's expression darkens upon seeing her friends and brother turn their backs so easily on her. "No, this isn't about me not getting attention." Elena sneers at the blonde. "I have the right to know what's-"

"You have no rights, none at all. You are a foolish, selfish girl who can't grasp the fact that she messed up and must deal with the consequences." Rebekah snaps, glaring fiercely at Elena, who had the nerve to look shocked as if this was some big revelation to her.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it now! Klaus has already said that he would!" Elena shouts, eyes shooting to Stefan for a second, hoping to get some form of pity.

"No, you will have to await my mate's verdict. It is her life that's on the line, she decides over your fate." Elijah replies flatly, not at all impressed by the tantrum the girl was throwing. He thought parents taught their children that actions have consequences, but apparently, hers had skipped that lesson.

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