Chapter 11

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Luna walks downstairs after a short nap. She hadn't thought it necessary, but Finn had insisted. He was worried that his mate might be over-exhausted seeing as she was unexpectedly okay with kidnapping someone.

Luna had tried to sneak out of her room but was unfortunately caught by Finn, who was waiting outside of her door. She had groaned and tried to bribe him, but he was resolute and herded her back to her bed. After seeing Luna staring grumpily at her ceiling for a few minutes, Finn had lost his patience with her and crawled onto her bed. He cuddled her from behind, urging her to relax in his arms.

Luna enters the living room, glancing at the unconscious woman that was lying on the couch. Kol had not been particularly gallant when it came to laying her down. Luna rolls her eyes and props a pillow under the girl's head. She winces slightly upon seeing the big bump on her forehead.

"Has she...Err... moved?" Luna asks, looking up at Elijah and Rebekah. Both were reading and Luna thought they looked a bit too comfortable with an unconscious body on the couch.

"No, it seems Kol might have been a bit too enthusiastic in his attempt to knock her out." Rebekah scoffs.

"Where is he anyway? It's remarkably quiet?" Luna wonders aloud, worrying about the trouble Kol might be causing if he wasn't in the house.

"I think he and Niklaus are outside." Elijah hums.

"Thank you, 'Lijah." Luna smiles gratefully at him.

"Anytime, Elskan." Elijah offers, smirking slightly upon seeing her flushed cheeks.

Luna feels her face heat up and clears her throat, forces out an awkward smile, and quickly walks towards the backdoor.

Luna opens the back door and is immediately exposed to the shouting match that was taking place between the two youngest brothers. Luna isn't the only one to hear this, as Elijah and Finn soon join her in the kitchen, listening in.

"How irresponisble are you, Kol? Exposing her to potential dangers like that!"

"As if you could have denied her if she asked you to do something!"

"You could have at least had her wait outside or something!"

Luna scoffs at this, she wasn't a dog.

"She was perfectly safe! Despite your beliefs, I am quite capable of protecting my mate!"

Luna decides that she has heard enough. She sticks her head out of the door and glares at the two Mikaelson men. They were standing chest to chest, both snarling and growling.

"Get inside! I still have neighbors!" Luna whispers harshly, glaring at the brothers.

Finn rumbles softly in annoyance at his little brothers. He gently pushes Luna towards Elijah and begrudgingly makes his way towards the troublemakers. Finn manages to drag Kol and Niklaus inside and presents them to his mate.

Niklaus and Kol kept grumbling and glaring, they hadn't come to physical blows, but Kol couldn't resist jabbing Niklaus in the ribs with his elbow.

Niklaus steps away from Kol, trying to be the bigger man, seeing as his mate was already looking annoyed with them. He knows she heard everything, he was fairly certain that she was about to give him a piece of her mind. Niklaus decides to try to reason with his mate, 'Surely she would understand his worries.'

"Luna, love. You're a human, you can use all the protection you can get, especially when facing the supernatural." He tries, rubbing the back of his neck in an abashed manner.

"Niklaus, I don't know if you're aware, but the only supernatural creatures in this universe are you guys." Luna starts. "And I've been living on my own for four years now. That's four years without any protection or bodyguards. I think I can survive a few days more."

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