Chapter 5

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"Your mother is a lying, manipulative shortsighted bitch."

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In hindsight, this may not have been the best approach, as the Mikaelsons now glared at her. While none of them would harm Luna, they wouldn't allow someone to insult their mother who had done nothing wrong in their opinion, the woman had been insistent on reuniting their family.

"Okay, not smart," She mutters, losing her bravado. Luna clears her throat and continues. "Your mother lied to you about her intentions. She is not back from the dead to forgive you Niklaus, and she certainly does not want to play a happy family with all of you. She wants to correct her mistake from a thousand years ago. The Original Bitch wants to kill you and ultimately every other vampire that walks the earth."

Luna feels very sorry for the Mikaelsons. Although Luna is terrible at articulating her feelings, she still tries to bring the whole thing as tactfully as possible. Okay, calling their mother 'Original Bitch', might not have been tactful on her behalf, but there had been an effort.

"Can you please elaborate, Elskan?" Elijah voices calmly, he was certainly taken by surprise, but not as much as his other siblings. He already had his suspicions at the party, but did not want to jump to conclusions and ruin the blissful peace his siblings had found upon Esther's return.

"At the ball, Esther, with the help of Elena-"

A collective groan could be heard at the mention of the latest doppelgänger.

"Your mother put something in the champagne. You all drank this, and with Finn's cooperation, she linked you as one. Esther had planned to sacrifice Finn with the help of the Bennett witches, and you would all eventually die. And when one of you dies, so does every vampire from your sire line. Every vampire you've created, every vampire they've created, and so on. The extinction of a species..." Luna trails off nervously glancing at the Mikaelsons who seemed to be fuming. They were quiet, too quiet.

Suddenly, Kol and Niklaus flash forward. Both were growling and snarling and seemed to double in size as they towered over their mate, who still stood protectively in front of their eldest brother. Neither of the youngest brothers handled betrayal easily.

Luna blinks and tries to control the rising panic. Although she was about to wet her pants in fear, her first instinct is to reassure Finn. She continues squeezing his hand, not daring to make any other sudden movements with the two upset vampires in front of her.

Finn wanted to bury his face in the crook of her neck right now, if only to comfort himself with his mate's scent, but that didn't seem appropriate to him. Since his brothers were already furious, that sight certainly wouldn't help.

Instead, he lowers his gaze to Rebekah, who had remained silent. Despite being closer to both Niklaus and Elijah, she too was familiar with the feeling of being unjustly punished with the dagger and being cast aside when inconvenient.

"I apologize profusely for the part I played in all this, please forgive me." Finn says while trying to pull Luna closer to him, worried that his brothers might accidentally harm her due to their blind rage.

"Okay, wait-hold up. Before you kill each other, you should know the Original Bitch manipulated Finn to a great extent." Luna starts not daring to shift her gaze from the two angry Originals.

"Finn felt very betrayed and abandoned by you. You have all been able to live life and enjoy the beauty of the evolving earth without even considering waking him up. 900 years, that's not nothing. Mummy dearest benefited from his grief and saw him as an easy pawn for her plans. The elitist bitch had persuaded him to help her, only to free herself of her own guilt-ridden conscience." Luna rants heatedly, now glaring at the two threatening Originals who were still trying to get closer to Finn.

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