Chapter 40

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"Oh great, it's you." Luna groans. Her voice sounded a bit hoarse and she blinked again to get rid of the blurred vision. "The Mikaelson matriarch." Luna spits out sarcastically.

"It is good to see you again, Luna." Esther smiles frugally as she sees Luna scrambling up into a seated position, somewhat satisfied to see the girl in discomfort.

"Is it? Because last time you knocked me out and now you seemed to have taken me on an involuntarily trip to the Lockwood caverns." Luna retorts sarcastically. Her eyes search the cave. The last time she had been here the coffin was still here, it was replaced with some sort of table or altar. The room was lit by torches which gave the room an eery sort of glow, 'Stupid witches and their stupid fire things' Luna thought grumpily.

"So you know of this place?" Esther asks, she wasn't exactly in the mood for small talk but Luna might be more cooperative and docile if Esther was kind to her. Unlike her children, she didn't receive pleasure from torturing and hurting humans, instead she opted for persuasion.

"You Mikaelsons sure love your chains, don't you?" Luna ignores Esther's question and tugs at the chain that was attached to her shackles, which looked alarmingly like the ones in the Mikaelson mansion. The chain didn't allow her to come near Esther for an attack, but it would allow her to stand up if she wanted to.

Luna brings her hands up to locate the source of the pain. Luna winces as she touches the spot on the side of her head and scowls further when she sees blood and dirt covering her fingers.

"Do not worry, I can get you healed later." Esther says while shooting Luna a smile that must have been consoling if it weren't for the cold expression in her eyes.

"Later? How much later are we talking? One hour, one week? Please let me know so I can clear out my agenda." Luna mutters grumpily. She knew she probably shouldn't piss the Original witch off, but she was tired, her head ached and she was kidnapped by Tyler of all people, stupid hybrid.

"That depends on you." Esther purses her lips, collecting her thoughts for a moment. "I must say, I can see why Finn likes you, you're-"

"Love. He loves me." Luna corrects.

"You really think any of them can love you?" Esther looks interestedly at Luna, the poor girl must have been brainwashed into thinking her children were actually capable of loving anything other than bloodshed and destruction. It would be even more pitiful if the girl loved them in return, that would make her a sympathizer, someone who would condone their heinous crimes.

"I know they love me." Luna grumbles, leaning back against the cool wall, trying to keep her breathing even. Esther already held all the power right now, she didn't want to let herself get upset by Esther's words or insinuations. "But I guess I am not here to defend my love for your children, so tell me, why am I here?"

"I know you're the soulmate to my sons."

Luna scowls, not liking the mock in Esther's voice. Just because Esther had a bad relationship experience didn't mean every relationship was doomed. "Ten points to the Orignal bitch."

"Perhaps you shouldn't taunt the person who holds your life in their hands, little girl." Esther reprimands, fixing Luna with the same stern gaze she used for her children during their human lives.

"Perhaps you shouldn't kidnap people." Luna replies in a bored tone. She wasn't exactly impressed by Esther's angry eyes, they were nothing compared to Niklaus's.

• • •

"I will ask you one more time, Elena. If you fail to provide me with a satisfactory answer, I will let Niklaus begin with breaking each and every last bone in your body, starting with the 27 bones in your right hand. What have you done and who are you working with?" Elijah asks, sounding surprisingly calm. Don't mistake his demeanor, he was going to flood the entirety of Mystic Falls with blood if his mate or siblings got hurt, but he intended on getting any useful information from the doppelganger before tearing her heart out.

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