Chapter 21

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"I don't know what you're growling about, Elijah! You have had your fair share!"

"Continue to bark at me like that and I will put you in a kennel."

"Don't make me grab the daggers!"

"Luna said you can't use your daggers to threaten us anymore, Nikkie!"

"Stop calling me Nikkie!"

"Do I want to know?" Luna simply blinks at the sight before her. It looked like something she had seen before. Kol and Elijah stood chest to chest, shouting and growling at each other, it sounded like she was walking past the tiger cage at the zoo. Next to the duo, Niklaus was waving his arms around while shouting heatedly at the two of them, and Finn merely scowled at his brothers, grimacing at the headache they were inducing.

When Luna awoke she found the bed was empty. Slightly disappointed, she got out of bed to look for her housemates. In the hallway, there was no trace of the destruction she had caused that night. Luna had hesitantly followed the incoherent shouting, leading her to the parlor.

"They've been at this all morning." Rebekah sighs in an almost bored tone. She had already ceased her peace-building efforts a few hours ago.

Obviously, there was no point in calming the Mikaelson men, so instead of wasting oxygen, she decided to repaint her nails, waiting for Luna to sort this out and give the men a nice long scolding.

"And what is that exactly?" Luna asks, trying to keep her tone casual. It was way too early for this, she was going to have a few cups of coffee, maybe some breakfast, and deal with this later.

"The idiots are settling on a sleeping schedule for you." Rebekah scoffs, wondering how finding their mate equated to her brothers becoming total morons.

"They are arguing over a sleeping schedule?" Luna asks, raising her brow skeptically.

"They're just being petty and territorial, again." Rebekah rolls her eyes.

A loud thumping noise and further growling noises make both girls turn their heads back to the men, who began to deal physical blows to settle their argument. Kol had pushed Elijah to the ground and now sat on top of him, dodging Elijah's flailing arms. Finn had tackled Niklaus to the floor, pulling his arm back, which incited a loud growl from the hybrid.

Luna quickly grabs her phone to snap a picture, she was definitely going to have this framed and hung on the wall. This would be a daily reminder for the Mikaelson men of their own sheer stupidity. "I'll just leave them to it." Luna declares, giving Rebekah a bright smile before heading towards the kitchen.

"What? No-Luna do something!" Rebekah shouts, pointing exaggeratedly at her brothers. Sure it was entertaining, but she cherished most of the items in their house and would rather not have them destroyed because of her brothers' raging hormones.

"Hmm, I don't think I will." Luna simply shrugs.

"Why not?" Rebekah winces as she sees Kol crashing into one of her favorite paintings, her expression darkening further when Kol retaliates by throwing a very old and very expensive vase towards Elijah.

"I don't feel like it." Luna snaps her fingers, pointing her index fingers in an imitation of handguns at the blonde. "Let them tire themselves out." She adds, turning back around.

"But-" Rebekah sputters, looking incredulous at the chaos her brothers had managed to create in the span of two minutes

"You want some coffee, Bekah?" Luna shouts over her shoulder.

• • •

"What's wrong with you? You tell me you love me and then proceed to sleep with the first girl you lay your eyes on?" Elena snaps, looking indignantly at Damon, who had just sent a random brunette home.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now