Chapter 61

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"Kol, go away." Elijah hisses as his youngest brother enters the bedroom. Elijah had kept his promise and had not awakened his mate. Instead, he'd held her to his chest and gently nosed at her neck, all too proud of the mark he'd left on her last night.

"You've been hanging out with Luna all morning!" Kol huffs as he takes a seat on the end of the bed, eyes focused on Luna, she was curled up in Elijah's arms, peacefully asleep.

"I don't care, leave." Elijah grits out through clenched teeth. If Luna hadn't been in his arms, he would have already kicked his brother out of the room, not amused by Kol's lacking sense of privacy and boundaries, he was almost as bad as Stefan, if not worse.

"You are the worst at sharing." Kol grumbles. He lets his eyes roam the messy room. Clothes, pillows, and even Luna's stuffed animals were strewn across the floor.

"You can't be serious. Must I remind you of the time you barked at me for merely touching Luna?" Elijah lets out a long-suffering sigh.

"I was channeling my inner Nikkie." Kol defends whilst folding his arms in front of his chest. "But that's not the point, even I didn't spend that long with Luna the morning after-"

"Kol." Elijah warns, eyes darkening significantly.

"What are you two shouting about?" Finn enters the bedroom, looking confused at the situation.

"We're not shouting, we are having a discussion, which I am winning, by the way." Kol replies, turning back to look at Finn. Surely his eldest brother would pick his side, seeing as Finn was also missing out on spending time with Luna.

"Get out, both of you." Elijah whispers harshly, not wanting a crowd to gather in his bedroom.

"Good morning." Luna mumbles as her eyes finally open. She had tried to drown out the bickering between the thousand-year-olds, but it was getting harder by the second. She should really teach the Mikaelsons the difference between whispering and shouting quietly.

"Good morning, Angel." Kol greets enthusiastically, immediately crawling up the bed to take Luna's other side, cuddling close to her.

"Hi, Kol." Luna stifles a yawn before turning in Elijah's hold, arm fastening around Kol's waist whilst pressing her face against his chest.

"You've got to be-" Elijah glowers at Kol, who in turn sent him a triumphant smirk.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Rebekah laughs as she also enters the bedroom, amused by the agitated look on Elijah's face.

"What's going on?" Niklaus asks, also curious to see what was happening in Luna and Elijah's bedroom.

"Luna finally allowed Elijah to-"

"Kol!" Elijah growls.

"Fine, they completed the bond." Kol mutters with a roll of his eyes. For someone who just completed their bond, Elijah didn't look very content or happy.

"That's nothing impressive. I mean, let's not forget who was first." Niklaus boasts, his chest puffing out a little. This fact was something he would happily point out to his brothers till the end of time.

"If you keep reminding us of it, we will certainly not forget it." Rebekah deadpans.

Luna lets out a yawn before propping herself onto her elbows, not surprised to see almost the entire household in her room, again. "What are you all doing here?"

"It is one in the afternoon, my love. We were getting worried you guys would sleep in all day." Finn offers, carefully watching his mate's movements.

"As you can see, Luna is in perfect health. Get out." Elijah grumbles. Really, all this fretting was unnecessary

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