Chapter 9

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"We are going to have a nice little family dinner and talk about my favorite topic...feelings"

Rebekah frowns after hearing Luna's idea. She knew she and her brothers weren't good at talking about their emotions, and she seriously doubts whether they would suddenly start expressing their feelings.

"I don't expect you guys to suddenly open up. But this fighting has to stop, whatever is going on between you and your siblings, from now on you're going to discuss your issues in a civilized manner. In the TV show, your disunity is the cause of half of the hardships you guys face. Your constant arguments enable your enemies to hurt you. That will stop now. You are family. Always and forever!" Luna clarifies after seeing Rebekah's puzzled expression.

Luna knew the men upstairs could hear her. 'This message may have given the idiots something to think about.' She thought savagely.

Rebekah smiles warmly at her friend when she hears the vow that she, herself, had made so many years ago. Luna didn't know it yet, but she now also falls under that promise. No matter what happens, she is family.

• • •

The idiots upstairs had indeed heard her.

Kol was lying on one of the beds, flipping through one of Luna's old sketchbooks. He scowls at the prospect of having to talk about his feelings, sure he was on edge since being released from his dreadful coffin, but it was nothing compared to him with his switch off.

Luna was however right about the fact that their arguments lead to unnecessary dangers, but the last thing he wanted was a family therapy session.

Niklaus was pacing around the room. He managed to clean his nosebleed with a box of tissues left in the guest bedroom. He didn't want to talk about his feelings but knew there was no way around it. His mate wanted them to communicate and he too wanted to get rid of all the unnecessary bickering and fighting.

He, however, was glad that his mate was already largely familiar with their past. Based on her accepting and open attitude towards them, he could assume that she was not disgusted with them. No matter the horrifying things they have done, she still treated them with otherworldly kindness.

"She's right, again." Niklaus voices out of nowhere. Neither he nor Kol had talked since entering the guest bedroom, both had still been submerged in their anger.

Niklaus wonders briefly whose side Kol would have picked had he been part of the earlier discussion. He didn't know what his brother's position was regarding the impending departure, but he knew Kol would never abandon his mate. He wasn't sure how his brother felt about a potential kidnapping though.

"Of course she's right. We're a bunch of bloody idiots who use arguing as the main form of communication." Kol shakes his head, frustrated. "I don't know what's going on in that TV show, but I feel like she's been holding something back. Something is going to happen that she wants to prevent." Kol points out.

"Her emphasis on the restoration of our family makes me think, that whatever it is that she's not telling, it probably does not bode well for us."

Niklaus mutters, contemplating all the horrible possibilities.

• • •

Elijah felt disgruntled in his wrinkled shirt and wanted to change. To his misfortune their clothes were in the guestroom and seeing as he didn't want to risk facing the wrath of his little mate, he had reluctantly accepted his messy state.

Finn didn't mind his appearance much and was happy to be back in Luna's bedroom. The room was filled with her sweet, familiar scent. He enjoyed being surrounded by it, this was the second-best thing to being next to her in person.

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