Chapter 16

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"There is no way your brothers will let me wear this, it shows more skin than a bathing suit!" Luna exclaims looking positively scandalized at the piece of fabric she was currently wearing.

After Luna and Rebekah's visit to the Grill, Rebekah had dragged the brunette upstairs to get ready for the ball together. The Mikaelson men had protested, accusing Rebekah of hogging their mate, but they quickly shut up after seeing Rebekah's scathing look. They may all be immortal, but it was best to avoid Rebekah's wrath. Especially Niklaus was cautious around his sister's temper seeing as he couldn't use the dagger as an easy way out anymore.

Rebekah had thoroughly enjoyed watching Elena's irritated expression when she invited Matt and Caroline to the dance.

At Luna's request, Rebekah had explicitly asked Caroline to extend the invitation to Bonnie. Luna would have done it herself but seeing as Luna was a stranger to them, they might become suspicious. Luna remembered that Bonnie wasn't an attendee at the ball in the TV show, but she thought the witch could use a nice night of dancing around in a pretty dress.

Caroline had been surprised at receiving a personal invitation but accepted it gratefully. She had always enjoyed the high school dances and there was no way she would miss out on the chance of snooping around in the imposing Mikaelson mansion.

"No, it doesn't!" Rebekah shouts back defensively. She was busy displaying her large quantity of makeup supplies on her dressing table.

"Bekah, you can almost see my belly button! Also, the split is up to my arse! It's supposed to be a formal ball." Luna deadpans, tugging at the fabric to prove her point.

Luna couldn't lie, the dress was beautiful, but it was something you'd wear on a yacht with your maffia husband, not to a formal ball. Putting her body up for sale probably wouldn't make a good first impression on the citizens of Mystic Falls.

"No, it isn't and I can barely see your ass! Anyway, my brothers don't get to criticize your dress tonight, only complement it." Rebekah snaps.

"How did you get them to agree to that?" Luna raises an eyebrow, looking skeptically at her friend.

"I might have threatened my brothers to take you up on your various scandalous offers if they didn't let me dress you the way I wanted..." Rebekah trails off, not meeting Luna's gaze. Rebekah would never be a homewrecker, at least not when it came to Luna and her brothers, but the threat had worked, which was the only thing that mattered to the blonde.

"You did what?!" Luna looks flabbergasted at the blonde. Luna expected Rebekah to threaten to dagger her brothers or lock them in a moldy cellar, but not this.

"You heard me..." Rebekah smirks, looking appraisingly at the dress her friend was wearing.

Maybe, Luna was right. It could be a bit too much, she didn't want her brothers to kill every guest because they were gaping at Luna. Sure they should gape, but not because her ass was hanging out.

Rebekah walks towards her closet, grabbing one of her favorite dresses. "Fine, try this one?" Rebekah thrusts the dress towards her friend, who was trying to wriggle herself free from the tight fabric.

Luna, finally freed from the death contraption, looks up. She glances at the cream-colored ball gown, gazing in awe at the delicate gold details and pastel-colored flowers that scattered the bodice of the dress.

"It's gorgeous." Luna mumbles, still in awe.

• • •

"I feel...pretty. Thank you, Rebekah." Luna mumbles, smiling shyly at her friend. Luna was incredibly thankful for Rebekah's help. She had always dreamed of attending a big ball and tonight that dream would come true.

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