Chapter 49

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"I would probably marry Stefan, fuck Damon... and kill Alaric." Luna says quickly, ignoring Finn's annoyed grumble. He'd preferred if she had killed all three of them in this hypothetical scenario.

Luna sees Alaric's exasperated expression and shoots him an apologetic look. "Sorry, it's just that you're-"

"Don't you dare say 'old'." Alaric deadpans, looking pointedly at the girl who was seated on top of a thousand-year-old. Alaric had eventually joined the others at the mansion. Alaric had been killed off in every round so far, except by Damon, who chose to marry him and kill off Matt. Matt had retorted that he'd rather be killed than be stuck with Damon for a husband.

"The whole teacher-student fantasy doesn't work for me." Luna rambles, grinning awkwardly at the hunter.

"That's not what you said last week." Finn mumbles, remembering vividly how he had his mate bent over his desk.

Luna quickly slaps her hand in front of Finn's mouth, hoping no one had heard him but judging by Damon's expression, he had.

"Snap my neck if I'm wrong, but-"

"Was that necessary?" Elijah asks, shooting Niklaus an exasperated look.

"Yes." Kol answers instead, grinning gleefully at the sight before him. "He was probably wrong anyway."

"After his many bad-timed jokes, I do not feel particularly morally burdened with this choice." Niklaus shrugs, dropping Damon's body onto the floor.

"Well, your morals are questionable." Luna replies before awkwardly shoving Damon's limb off her leg, grimacing upon hearing the heavy thud. "But then again, so are mine."

"Great." Bonnie remarks dryly before letting out a sigh. "Now where were we?"

"It is Kol's turn. Luna, Damon, and Enzo." Caroline calls before taking another sip of the sugary cocktail Luna had provided her with. Luna, who missed making fancy drinks, decided to provide everyone with cocktails, more than eager to test her previous knowledge.

Kol wiggles on the couch a little, cuddling closer to Luna while taking on a ponderous expression. "First, I will marry Luna and then I will make love to her, or the other way around, and then-"

"That not how the game works." Caroline sighs. She had spent over ten minutes explaining to Kol and Finn that they would not really have to marry or fuck whoever they chose, seeing as the Originals looked incredibly offended at the idea of marrying or having sex with anyone other than their Luna.

"I don't want to marry anyone other than Luna... or fuck." Kol grumbles, which earns him a kiss on the cheek from Luna, who was highly amused by Kol's disgruntled state over their silly game. "But I could kill someone else, I already have actually. You know what, I will kill both Enzo and Damon, to make up for the fact I am marrying and fucking my Luna." Kol grins brightly at his solution.

"Why did you think playing this game with my love-sick brothers would be a good idea?" Rebekah rolls her eyes.

Caroline scoffs. "Fine, your turn Rebekah. Stefan, Damon, and Enzo."

"I'm not answering that, except for killing Damon." Rebekah replies, grinning down at the already knocked out Salvatore.

"Well, you have already fucked-" Luna mumbles before getting a pillow hurled against her face. "Nevermind. You haven't fucked anyone. You are as sinless as the snow."


"I'm curious... Luna, fuck, marry, kill, Rebekah, Caroline, and me." Bonnie calls.

"Marry Rebekah, for obvious reasons. Besides that, if she's my wife, we're definitely fucking-"

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