Chapter 65

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"Hey, Bekah! You will never guess what happened!" Luna half shouts in her excitement to hear Rebekah's voice. She was sitting on a rock on the far side of the camping ground whilst the men were busy arguing and packing everything up. Luna believed it to be necessary to give the blonde Original a heads-up on their return, as to not startle her and Enzo with their sudden reappearance.

"Let me guess, my brothers killed something, and you cheered them on?" Rebekah suggests whilst gently scratching Cheeto's head and watching her mate trying to defuse the situation that was happening in front of her.

She and Enzo had finally gotten their well-deserved moment of peace, which was spent on the couch, watching a ridiculous vampire movie with a big bowl of popcorn and two glasses of chilled blood. This peace lasted exactly twenty minutes before a certain herd of ill-mannered teenagers barged into the mansion, yet again.

"I wouldn't call it cheering." Luna corrects. She looks over her shoulder and immediately turns back around when she sees the chaos that had erupted in the short time she had her back turned to the self-acclaimed grown men. "Elijah made me sit in the tent while it happened. Something about not wanting to traumatize me further."

"How... noble of him." Rebekah manages, stifling a snort. She sends Jeremy an angry look, the teenager had the nerve to steal her snack. He was clearly relishing the chaos that had erupted in the small span of time.

Luna rolls her eyes. "Hmm, he certainly thinks so, but he has forgotten that I have walked in on our home being used as a slaughterhouse, twice."

"Ah, right you are. The therapy bill is going to be gigantic." Rebekah sighs. She was briefly worried about her friend, wondering if Luna's mind would simply snap one day by the daily exposure of violence and supernatural occurrences, but then remembered her friend had no problem with punching witches and waving knives around, she would surely be alright.

"You know what else is gigantic?" Luna smirks, excited to share as much as she could during this brief phone call.

"Please stop-"

"The bruise on Damon's ego! One of the wolves kicked his ass." Luna rambles happily, grin widening when she hears an insulted scoff behind her.

Rebekah grins at the mental image of Damon's offended expression. She hoped dearly that someone had managed to snap a photo of that sight. "Oh, that one was actually pretty-"

"And Elijah's-"

"Nope, not going there!" Rebekah snaps, making Cheeto jump up from her lap. The look Cheeto gave her was simply put, insulted. She lifts her gaze from the cat to the quarterback, who seemed incredibly pale and close to a breakdown.

"I was going to say headache." Luna furrows her brow, distracted by the increasing number of voices on Rebekah's side of the line. "What's with the shouting match in the background?"

"Matt's having a bit of a panic attack!" Jeremy shouts, snatching the phone from Rebekah's hand and putting it on speaker before gluing his eyes back to the group of heavily arguing people. He had contemplated joining in, simply for the fun of it, but decided that his role as an innocent bystander might serve him better in the long run.


Rebekah grabs the phone back and sends Jeremy a withering glare before putting on her most apologetic tone. "He mighthave dropped... something."

"You know, you're being awfully vague." Luna deadpans. The tone Rebekah used was the same she used when she was trying to lie, something she wasn't very good at. "What did he drop?"

The blonde exchanges a slight panicked look with Jeremy, neither of them eager to admit what had happened. "A vase."

"Which one?" Luna went over the many vases they owned in her head. The Mikaelsons could start a china store if they wished, that was how extensive their collection was.

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