Chapter 28

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"You guys cleaned the place up nicely." Damon comments, narrowing his eyes at a spot on the wall where a man was staked last night.

Damon was surprised that the Mikaelsons and Luna would agree to let them all in, but Luna was being an excellent host, just like he'd hoped.

"We wouldn't have to clean up if you hadn't kidnapped our dear Luna." Elijah replies smoothly, as he leads the guests into the living room.

Caroline shares a disturbed look with Bonnie, they had both seen the remains of a broken wall and wondered what the place looked like before the 'clean-up'.

Alaric looks around in amazement, he and Sage were the only ones who had not yet been in the mansion. He admired the chandelier and the many paintings, some of which he recognized from the art books he had studied in the past.

Sage seems less impressed, she was familiar with the status of the Mikaelsons and expected nothing else.

"Nik, Finn, could you please get an extra table and some chairs?" Luna asks. Both men nod at her before swiftly taking their leave.

"Umm, please take a seat, relax, and mingle." Luna starts, feeling a little uncomfortable with addressing the group of family and foes. "I need to do some last-minute adjustments for tonight's meal. Stefan, Damon, let's go."

Stefan nods as if he was already expecting this.

"Me? I'm not going to-" Damon protests.

"You didn't warn us, so you get to make yourself useful." Luna cuts off, snapping her finger while pointing at the door that led to the kitchen. She was wearing an expression that told Damon not to test her patience further.

"Fine." Damon grumbles, reluctantly making his way to the kitchen, following Stefan.

Luna smiles bashfully at the Mystic Falls gang, who were all staring stunned at the fact that Damon and Stefan had just taken orders from a 21-year-old girl they supposedly hate.

Luna glances briefly at Sage before also leaving the room. Luna hadn't exactly wanted to leave Sage outside, especially because Damon was taunting her for being rude, but she also didn't want Finn to be uncomfortable.

Finn had promised Luna that he could manage for an evening. He knew he had to confront Sage at one point and he'd rather it be sooner than later. Finn had promised both Luna and Sage that if the latter were to trying anything to hurt his mate or family, she would not leave the mansion alive.

"Did that seriously just happen?" Caroline asks before bursting out in giggles.

• • •

"I'm not wearing an apron!" Damon objects, looking contemptuously at the flower pattern apron Luna was holding out.

"Is your masculinity really that fragile?" Luna deadpans. "Fine, suit yourself. Don't come crying to me when you stain your fancy clothes."

"Luna? Do you want the tomatoes in cubes or slices?" Stefan interrupts, looking quizzically at his cutting board. He was already wearing his own apron, eager to help out. Stefan quite enjoyed cooking and the large kitchen from the Mikaelsons was drool-worthy to him.

Damon reluctantly rips the apron from Luna's hands while muttering something inappropriate under his breath.

• • •

"I suggest you put that back where you found it, Mr. Lockwood. My mate is quite fond of it." Niklaus warns, narrowing his eyes at Tyler who was playing around with a small figurine.

Niklaus might have stolen that figurine from an important royal family member. He had stored it in the attic and his mate came across it while searching for a replacement vase. She had seen the figurine and fell in love with it. Since then it had its own little spot next to the TV.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now