Chapter 58

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"No, we are not buying them collars!" Luna hisses to the blonde as they walk past the pet aisle in the supermarket. She hoped her mates hadn't heard Rebekah's comment, but judging by the lack of intervention on their behalf, they were good for now.

"Oh come on, Luna, it would be hilarious!" Rebekah tries, dangling one of the collars in front of Luna's face. Getting footage of one of her brothers wearing a collar, preferably Niklaus, would be the ultimate blackmail material.

"No way, they will kill us."

"No, they won't." Rebekah rolls her eyes, knowing her brothers would be willing to try anything Luna suggested. There were certainly some perks to them being love-sick idiots. "You always said you would leash Kol if he kept flashing around, here's the chance."

"Bekah, we came here for the cats, not for my mates." Luna tries.

"Who knows, they might be into it." Rebekah wags her brows whilst eyeing the bright pink bedazzled collar with particular interest.

"I don't think these will fit anyway." Luna mumbles also quite liking the glittery variants.

"We'll get them to fit." Rebekah grins dangerously at Luna.

Luna contemplates the idea for a moment before shaking her head and walking off. She walks along the aisles, searching for her mates, who were once again spread out in the store. Following the loud noises, she eventually finds Kol and Elijah, bickering whilst holding up various household items.

"We are not dedicating a mop for cleaning up blood." Elijah grumbles, shaking the bright red mop vigorously whilst trying to get his point across.

"And why the hell not? We can even get Luna to use her label maker to make certain we don't have any mix-ups with them." Kol retorts.

"Because we should aim to not kill anyone indoors in the first place." Elijah condemns, thankful for the deserted cleaning-supply aisle.

"And how did that go for us when Luna got kidnapped?" Kol whispers rather loudly.

"That's hardly relevant. Luna is not getting kidnapped again, so there's no need for us to demolish our home and turn the living room into an exposition of corpses." Elijah waves his hand dismissively. He didn't like being reminded that, like his brothers, he had an unhinged side. One that he hid as best he could, but which was still there, like a vague background noise. Always there, but usually easy to ignore.

"What about the torture chamber?"

"Kol, no."

Kol narrows his eyes at Elijah before letting out a huff and turning on his heel, nearly slamming into Luna, who was curiously watching the exchange.

"Angel!" Kol quickly grabs onto Luna, preventing her from tumbling over. "Good to see you, love of my life. Please tell 'Lijah we need a second mop."

Luna blinks up at Kol, still dangling half horizontally in his arms, overcoming her shock of almost falling on her butt. "Um, we should have a second mop?" She echoes uncertainly.

"I am glad you see it my way." Kol grins broadly, presses a kiss to Luna's nose, and lifts her over his shoulder. Kol marches over to Elijah, grabs the mop from his hold and strides off, Luna hanging limply over his shoulder, shooting Elijah a confused look.

• • •

"I don't understand the difficulty the main character is undergoing. Why does she not simply date all of them?" Finn wonders out loud, head tilted slightly as he looks at the television.

The Mikaelsons and Luna had returned from their shopping trip a few hours ago and decided to watch the new DVD Luna had bought at the store. Whilst Luna and her mates were lazily spread out on the various couches, the other inhabitants and the Salvatores were busy moving things in and helping with the decorating and redecorating of rooms.

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