Chapter 8

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"I think I've lost one of the screws..."

"Another one?!"

After lunch, all the Originals were helping to assemble the new beds. Usually, such a task required a maximum of two people, but apparently, with the Mikaelsons, it is all about teamwork.

Finn is frantically flipping through the manual. "This can not be all the instructions, right?"

Elijah is recounting the number of screws and bolts for the second time, Kol is lying on the floor, searching for the missing screws and Niklaus was grumbling incoherently while trying to nail two pieces of wood together.

"How many Mikaelsons does it take to assemble a bed?" Luna mutters, walking in the living room with a steaming mug, rolling her eyes when she sees the progress they have made.

Luna had offered her help, but the men insisted they could do it themselves. Their ridiculous male egos would not accept the help from their mate with something as silly and easy as putting a bed together. Luna had rolled her eyes at their reasoning and left them to their devices.

They were at this for about three hours now, and the prospect of finishing before midnight was getting slimmer.

"Weren't you ancient vampires? Aren't you supposed to be incredibly skilled, at everything?" Luna asks, sarcasm clearly audible, as she looks questioningly at the so-called bed frame that looked creative at best.

"Yes, and yes, but normally we pay people to do this, but since that's not really an option now, we will have to do it ourselves." Rebekah answers. She was sprawled out on the couch, a glass of wine in hand.

All the blonde had really done was pointing to random parts while shouting unhelpful feedback to her brothers.

"We? You have not made any contributions at all!" Niklaus snaps frustratedly as his handiwork collapsed, again.

"...more than five apparently," Luna mumbles softly while rolling her eyes. This remark earned her a cushion in the face from Rebekah.

After Niklaus destroyed the 'bedframe' out of frustration, Luna had sent both him and Kol to the kitchen while assembling the other bed with Elijah and Finn in record time.

The Mikaelsons may know everything about curses, vampires, and history, but she knew her fair share of assembling Ikea furniture.

• • •

"There is absolutely no need for you to keep that awful job. I'm pretty sure everyone there sucks and once we get back to our own universe you can do everything you want without having to worry about something as silly as financial stability. I'm sure Nik would love to paint with you or you can read some big boring books with Elijah..." Kol trails off. He would of course prefer it if she would spend all her time with him but knew coercing her with her hobbies could help his case.

The brunette was currently getting ready for work and Kol sat on her bed trying to convince her to quit her job.

Luna was getting annoyed with his endless rant. She too preferred not having to work there anymore, but she did not want to admit that to Kol. The last thing she wanted was to agree with the youngest Mikaelson that her job is indeed awful, his ego would never deflate. No, she should just hold on for a bit longer.

• • •

Luna's shift was the same as any other shift, her boss behaved like an asshole and so did the customers. She places a drink in front of a man and is about to pull away when the man suddenly grabs her wrist. Luna looks up at his face, slightly startled by the sudden contact.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now