Chapter 41

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"Are they always this... emotional?" Enzo asks dryly as he sees Niklaus draining the ninth student that had unfortunately passed by the classroom they were in.

"This is nothing-" Stefan pauses for a moment upon hearing a loud cry from a boy who was getting his arms torn off by Kol, followed by another wail as Elijah stuck his hand in the boy's chest, ripping his heart out and tossing it carelessly on the growing pile of bodies, limbs, and organs. "compared to the destruction they wreaked when Damon and I kidnapped Luna."

"14 dead witches, along with a dozen of humans." Damon adds in, feeling a little smug about surviving that unfavorable event.

"Let's not forget the wall that was demolished along with almost every fucking room in the mansion!" Rebekah snaps, rolling her eyes as Niklaus breaks some poor kid's leg in response to their critique. Rebekah still planned to take revenge on the Salvatores for the needless stress they had caused her that day

"Good to know your family isn't boring." Enzo mumbles.

"And you two dicks somehow survived?" Jeremy asks interestedly as he, Matt, and Bonnie reenter the classroom, having caught the last bit of the conversation. Their arms are full of stakes, daggers, and other weapons. He purposefully ignores the corner of the classroom where Elena was lying, unconscious next to the pile of dead bodies, which was growing steadily.

Jeremy was upset with the fact that the Mikaelsons had hurt Elena but he was even more upset because of his sister's poor decisions. They had all been presented with the violent nature of the Mikaelsons and all knew what could happen if they worked against them, but Elena still did it. He wanted to shout at her, accuse her of a lot of things but he knew it would be useless. He wouldn't be able to talk sense into her, he never could.

Finn huffs indignantly at the sight of the vervain darts that Bonnie was holding before continuing his restless pacing. Unlike his brothers, he had refrained from killing high school students. However, he did break a few windows out of frustration.

"What can I say? We did some bonding during the motel stay. Long story short, she fell for my roguish good looks." This remark earned him a book to his head from Rebekah.

"Motel stay?" Jeremy asks, raising both of his brows.

"Bonding? I will happily remind you of the fact that she smashed your face into a steering wheel and kicked you out of a diner booth, which you fell out of face first. Oh, and don't forget about the bible she-" Stefan rambles, grinning smugly at Damon's scowl.

"That's enough, Stefan. We get it. She has anger issues." Damon huffs, cutting Stefan off. He wasn't in the mood for a retelling of all the times Luna had managed to harm him. "I mean, I have... issues. Which triggers people's justified rage." Damon quickly corrects as he sees Finn's glare.

"Motel stay?" Jeremy echoes, still looking confused.

• • •

Luna's eyes snap open and she inhales sharply. Ignoring the ongoing thrumming sensation in her head, she sits up and brings her hand to her throat. Heart pounding, she lets her eyes roam the room searching for Elijah. When Luna's eyes land on Esther she realizes it had been a dream, a terrible terrible dream.

Luna shivers, the cold floor reminding her that she was wearing her knee-length dress in November. Couldn't Esther kidnap her in the spring?

"You don't happen to have painkillers in that magical goodie bag of yours, do you?" Luna asks after clearing her dry throat.

"Did you sleep alright?" Esther asks, ignoring Luna's question.

"Fantastic, I feel... refreshed." Luna deadpans while rubbing her eyes tiredly. She thinks back to the dream she had, or a nightmare more like it. Flashes of violence, screams, and gore. The only part she remembers vividly was how Elijah had sped over to her and ripped her heart out, a very unsettling scenario to dream about your partner.

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