Chapter 54

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"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." Niklaus shouts in a sing-song voice as he bursts into the Gilbert residence, followed by Rebekah, Enzo, Alaric, and Jeremy. It was still quite early but Niklaus wanted this ordeal over as soon as possible.

"Don't be a dick." Jeremy grumbles as he steps into the house. It was odd, despite having lived here his entire life it didn't feel like his home anymore. Too much had happened in this house and he had told himself he wouldn't return again after today.

Unless Jeremy decided to become the next hunter of the Five, he and Alaric would take up permanent residence in the Salvatore boardinghouse.

"He's right, you're being a dick." Rebekah scolds as she walks past her brother who had gone to the fridge to check up on the blood supply that had been accumulated there. She didn't care about hurting Elena's feelings but there was no need to make things harder for Jeremy. Strangely enough, she had started to care for the boy as well as the Salvatores, perhaps because they were at their place so often.

Rebekah had slept surprisingly well, despite the nighttime visit. A certain tension had left her. The fact that she would finally come clean to her brother about Mikael had cleared some of the weight she had always carried with her.

Elena, who had silently watched on as the five piled in, takes a seat on the couch, nervousness settling in. She hadn't been visited much this past week, mostly because she sent anyone who attempted away. Instead of spending her last days surrounded by friends or loved ones she had decided to wallow in self-pity instead. They had betrayed her, she didn't need their words of fake comfort.

Her gaze locks with Jeremy who awkwardly takes a seat across from her. She walks over to him and sits next to him, leaning into his side. "I'm sorry for not being able to protect you."

"Don't be sorry. I will be aright, Elena." Jeremy assures, patting Elena's knee. He bites back the tears, not wanting to make this ordeal more difficult for his sister. Jeremy had known that neither the Mikaelsons nor Luna would have changed their minds about this and he has had plenty of time to prepare for this moment.

• • •

"Morning." Luna murmurs as she rolls on top of Elijah, snuggling up against his warm chest. She frowns a little and reluctantly peels her eyes open as she feels a shirt-clad body underneath her. "Why are you dressed?"

"Because it is already eleven A.M., dearest." Elijah hums while cupping the back of Luna's head with his hand, gently stroking her hair. He hadn't planned to crawl back in bed with his mate, but couldn't resist. His mate was usually very cuddly in the mornings and he could always replace the shirt he was wearing.

"Oh no, you want to be productive again, don't you?" Luna groans exasperatedly whilst going completely limp on top of Elijah, arm dangling off the side of the bed in a dramatic fashion.

"I wouldn't dare." Elijah declares before poking Luna's side. "But I do believe you wanted to prepare for dinner early today."

"I changed my mind. We cancel the feast-thing and get pizza instead?" Luna looks up at Elijah with slightly widened eyes. Sure boeuf bourguignon sounded nice but so did a cheese-loaded pizza.

"Nice try. You were the one insistent on cooking for us. You told me it was a matter of life and death." Elijah points out. His mate had awoken him in the middle of the night to urge him she needed to cook dinner tonight. He suspected his Luna had paid his sister another nighttime visit and he had drowsily agreed to whatever she asked.

This morning he'd thought again about the earnestness with which Luna had awoken him and pondered the significance of tonight's dinner. He believed his mate was about to make an important announcement. Possibly it had something to do with Hayley's arrival. Whatever it was, Elijah very much hoped it wasn't some weird human breakup ritual.

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