Chapter 43

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"What are you doing?" Kol asks with a slightly alarmed look as Luna walks back into the cave.

"I think it's best if we don't let whatever Esther was brewing sitting out here." Luna replies, rubbing her eyes before sliding her arms into the sleeves of Kol's jacket that was still clinging to her shoulders. She quickly grabs the duffel bag and stuffs Esther's materials in it, not wanting to stay any longer in the cave than necessary.

Elijah lets out a small sigh of relief once Luna is back through the barrier. He takes the bag from her hold and grabs her hand in the other to guide her outside.

Despite the stressful evening, he felt overjoyed. His mate had told him she loves him. Elijah turns his head to look at Luna, who looks exhausted but content. He needed to hear her say it again, just once, to be sure. "I love you." Elijah whispers, still looking at Luna.

Luna turns her head and meets Elijah's eye. "I love you, Elijah." Luna whispers back, smiling affectionately up at him.

"I also love you!" Kol shouts from behind them, before sliding beside Luna to also claim some of her attention and affection. Yes, Elijah deserved some alone time with Luna, but so did he. Kol shoots a warning look behind him at Finn and Niklaus, he didn't want to hear a single complaint from them seeing as they had already bonded with his mate.

Luna bursts out in giggles, having caught the glare Kol wore, before turning her head to smile up at him. "And I love you Kol."

Kol smiles contently, taking Luna's other hand in his, happily swaying their joint hands back and forth. Kol would be lying if he didn't say he was relieved to see his Angel smile again. He did not mind comforting his mate at all, but he preferred to see her happy. In addition, comforting went a lot better when they weren't in a cold, damp cave.

"Just let me go! Your brother needs my blood!"

Luna frowns a little when she hears the doppelganger's angry shouts. She hadn't paid Elena any mind seeing as she was occupied with worrying about her Mikaelsons and her parents' possible cause of death. "Why did you bring Elena here?"

"We wanted to await your... decision." Finn replies, noticing the way Luna's shoulders tensed slightly at the last word.

"It's your call what happens to them. We know you're not a fan of unnecessary killing so we will understand if you don'twant to... kill them." Niklaus adds through slightly gritted teeth.

Niklaus wasn't sure what his mate would do with the doppelganger, so far she had been able to forgive the Scooby gang for their past transgressions. But whatever she wanted to do, he would respect it. If his mate in some miraculous way decided for the doppelganger to live, he would let Elena live, not in a pleasant way of course, but she would live. Niklaus would dump her in one of their cells in the 'pain room' as Luna called it. He would probably need to install some drainage system as to not let her blood go to waste when he tortured her, but he was sure he could come up with something.

• • •

Elena and Tyler were seated on the forest ground near the entrance of the Lockwood cellar, watched closely by Rebekah and Enzo. Enzo was quite thrilled about tonight, he had found his mate, they had saved Luna and now he got to witness some grade A slaughtering of Mikaelson foes.

Tyler had finally regained consciousness and was looking down, mournfully. He knew nothing would save him now, not after deliberately harming Luna. Tyler had never meant for his friends to be harmed while cooperating with the witch and Elena. He wonders briefly if Elena was also aware of the fact she had almost killed her friends in her efforts to get rid of the Mikaelsons.

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