Chapter 60

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A/N:There you have it folks. Almost 2000 words of Elijah smut.I hope I did our suited Original justice, if not, my apologies. Writing smut is still a very new terrain for me. I do not yet use the blunt terminology seeing as that makes me a little uncomfortable, but I hope to grow into it. So apologies for not being very descriptive. I mostly focus on dialogue.Once again I apolgize for not or barely responding to the comments, I am in a real dip with my mental health and everything kind of feels like a lot, I do however try my best to keep writing seeing as it is great stress relief. Thank you all for your kind words and funny comments, they are seen and highly appreciated.Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, fun things are coming up. Oh, and if you hadn't already, feel free to check out my new book Eunoia.Lots of love,

Sexual content warning (finally)

"What are you doing?" Rebekah walks into the living room and looks with mild interest at Luna, or her legs, which were swinging in the air as the brunette was hanging upside down on the couch.

Last night Luna had successfully removed the Salvatores from the Mikaelson premises under loud cheering and support from Kol. Luna had promised the vampires they could come back the next day. Rebekah was surprised that the Salvatores hadn't come back yet.

"I'm searching for the remote." Luna huffs. Her face was red, and her arms were shaking a little by her effort of both keeping her body weight up and holding a flashlight. Strangely enough, all of her mates have given her a moment alone, something that rarely happened, and she was, of course, spending it watching her favorite childhood movies. She might have been a bit too enthusiastic about an event in the movie, which resulted in her flinging the remote backward.

"And walking around the couch is too much effort?" Rebekah blinks. The loud sounds from the TV were filling the room, which meant Rebekah had to shout at her friend's swinging legs, this really wasn't the best way of communicating. She speeds over to the TV and presses the power button, silencing the machine.

"Obviously." Luna replies with a roll of her eyes.

"It can't be that difficult." Rebekah scoffs, also letting herself hang over the back of the couch, eyes narrowed as she looks at the empty floor beneath the couch. They needed to vacuum more often.

Niklaus had hired a cleaning lady, but she had run off screaming when Kol entered the house once, covered in blood. Niklaus had of course killed her, but this unfortunate event did make Luna hesitant from hiring another person. Besides that, Finn and Elijah didn't mind playing 'househusbands', as Damon liked to call it, and were in charge of dividing the chores.

"I don't think the remote is here." Luna states after a few seconds of silence.

"You don't say." Rebekah snarks, turning her face to glare at Luna.

"Angel?!" Kol rushes into the room. Seeing his mate hanging upside down, he rushes forward, grabbing his mate by the shoulders to haul her upright, knocking his sister of the couch in the process.

"Hi, Kol." Luna mumbles happily, pressing a kiss to her mate's jaw in greeting. Kol's arms were wrapped tightly around her, and she had no problem leaning heavily on him.

"Kol! Stop throwing me off things!" Rebekah complains, scrambling back to her feet with a very angry expression.

"Stop trying to get Luna hurt!" Kol retorts whilst nosing at Luna's temple, still glaring at his sister.

"She wasn't hurt! She did this herself!"

"Are you alright, dear?" Enzo walks into the living room, not surprised to see his mate and one of her brothers glaring at each other. He sticks his hand up, waving back at Luna, before helping Rebekah steady herself, not that she needed it, but he liked being helpful in some way.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now