Chapter 10

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"Hey... Psst...Are- are you awake?"


A whispering voice draws Rebekah away from her dream. She opens her eyes and Luna's face can be seen four inches away from her own. Her face is lit by the light of a street lamp shining through the window.

Rebekah, startled by the unexpected sight, gives a loud scream.

"Good to know you're a screamer." Luna chirps happily, not at all disturbed by Rebekah's scream. Luna was quite glad she wasn't punched in her face though. She did prefer her nose and jaw unbroken.

"Bloody hell! What are you doing here?" Rebekah hisses, glancing at the alarm clock by her bed.

"Umm...this is my house." Luna deadpans.

"No! I mean, what are you doing hovering over me like a creep? At three in the morning?!" Rebekah whispers harshly while glaring at the brunette.

"Well, now you know what that's like!" Luna huffs, remembering her first morning with the Mikaelsons in her house. "And... I can't sleep in my bed."

"Why not?" Rebekah wonders briefly if she had to kick her brothers' asses for inappropriate behavior.

Rebekah looks at Luna, the girl was wrapped in a blanket, a stuffed animal tucked under her arm. 'Oh no, she doesn't want to sleep here, right?' the dreadful thought crossed Rebekah's mind.

"Because 'Lijah and Finn are in there..." Luna had the decency to look a little embarrassed.


"They're my...mates."

"Yes, I know this. That doesn't explain why can't you sleep in your own bed?" Rebekah rubs her face tiredly. This conversation was like trying to get information out of a toddler and her patience was wearing thin.

"Who knows what kind of freaky soulmate thing they're going to do while I'm sleeping? I don't want to wake up with a random tattoo or five months pregnant or something." Luna hisses back. She had come to Rebekah for some comfort and so far she wasn't very sufficient in providing it.

Normally Luna wouldn't bother others with her troubles, but she was sure Rebekah could provide her with some womanly wisdom. After all, they were her brothers.

"Luna, you've slept with them last night and nothing bad happened. You even let them gnaw at your neck, so I don't think things can get much weirder. " Rebekah rolls her eyes in exasperation. "Now get the hell back to your room before I drag you!" Rebekah hisses. She demonstratively turns over so her back is turned to Luna.

Rebekah suspects that Luna had been sent from hell to disrupt her sleep rhythm for the rest of her life.

"Jeez... somebody's grumpy..." Luna mutters, narrowing her eyes at Rebekah's unmoving form, wondering if the blonde had really fallen asleep.

Rebekah's words reassured her nevertheless. She was sure Rebekah would save her if anything weird did happen. She was about to turn around to return to her room when another voice spoke up.

"Luna? Are you alright, little love?" Niklaus' groggy voice came from the corner of the room. He had been awake for the entire duration of the conversation but didn't feel the need to interject, so instead, he amused himself with hearing his mate's entertaining way of communicating.

"I'm sorry I woke you, Nik. It's nothing." Luna apologizes, a feeling of guilt creeping over her.

The ruffling sound of moving blankets can be heard.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now