Chapter 29

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Hello friends,Oh my, here it is, smut. Alright, this is my first time writing smut, so please bear with me haha (nervous laughter).Enjoy :)

Sexual content warning

"I swear to god, if you broke another wall I will put all of you up for adoption! I don't care if you're not even a member of this household!" Luna shouts as she storms into the dining room.

"Yes! Even you, Alaric! I'm sure someone would be happy to adopt a history teacher!" Still shouting Luna almost falls face-first onto the floor, she had tripped over the dining table, or what used to be the dining table.

Luna was quickly caught around her waist by Stefan, who swiftly put her back to her feet.

"Thank you, Stefan." Luna steadies herself before taking in the entire scene.

As soon as Luna had rushed out of the kitchen, everyone was frozen in place, as if hoping that Luna couldn't see them if they didn't move. The whole looked like a dramatic renaissance painting.

Rebekah stood with one hand around Elena's neck, the other holding one of her stilettos. Both girls' hair was messed up and Elena had a tight grip on Rebekah's necklace, which the blonde had put on earlier.

Finn sat on top of Damon, keeping him in place while hitting him with what looked like the gravy spoon.

Elijah held a fork to Alaric's neck, which had clearly already landed in his flesh, several times. Judging by Elijah's nosebleed, Luna could assume that Alaric had also dealt a few hits. She wonders how those two, the most adult ones of the group, could have possibly gotten in a row.

Caroline lays unconscious on the floor with Kol sitting triumphantly on her back, carefully inspecting a fresh bite mark on his arm. Luna shouldn't even be surprised by this, Kol had been glaring at Caroline the entire dinner.

Niklaus and Tyler were both chest to chest, glaring and hissing at each other, like two angry cats. Matt was standing behind Niklaus, holding a chair leg up, looking ready to strike.

Then there was Bonnie, who sat calmly in the only unbroken chair, a bottle of wine in her hand as she watched the rest.

"What the hell happened?! I was gone two minutes!" Luna shouts, arms flailing around like a madwoman.

"He started it." Finn mutters with a culpable look, pointing accusingly at Damon while quickly dropping the gravy spoon, making gravy fly up and onto Damon's face.

Damon quickly wipes his face, scowling at the brown substance that was now on his sleeve. He glares up at Finn for ratting him out and shoves the Original off his stomach and onto the floor. Finn growls before quickly getting back to his feet.

Luna turns to Stefan, the only one besides Bonnie, who obviously didn't participate in the fight. She raises her eyebrows expectantly, waiting for his testimony.

"He did." Stefan replies simply, shooting Damon an apologetic look. Stefan tried his best not to look guilty. He hadn't helped his brother and friends but he hadn't stopped them either.

Luna groans in annoyance when her eyes shift back to Kol's arm. She walks up to him, taking Rebekah's shoe out of her hand in passing.

"Tyler bit you?" Luna asks, carefully inspecting the wound.

"It was Nikkie." Kol replies, instantly putting on a sad face so his mate would forget her anger towards him.

"You bit your own brother?" Luna shouts incredulously, head snapping up to look at Niklaus.

"He got in the way." Niklaus grumbles, slapping Matt's chair leg away from his face.

"What-heal him, now." Luna orders, narrowing her eyes at the Hybrid. She didn't understand how he could have just bitten his brother as if his bite wasn't lethal to regular vampires.

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