Chapter 75

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I'm back. Your girl passed her bachelor's degree and is offically no longer a student, whoop. Also, this is chapter 75! Can you believe it? I hardly can. What a journey we've had so far!Bits and pieces of this chapter have been in my documents for a year (whoops). Writing this chapter took a lot longer than I anticipated, imposter syndrome is a bitch :|Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter,Lots of love,

"On this side, we have Finn, Bonnie, Klaus, and Enzo." Damon shouts, regaining some of his bravado. "On the other side are Elijah, Kol, Caroline, Stefan, and Jeremy. They will battle to the death, or until the timer runs out."

• • •

"They look really dumb," Luna mumbles, looking on from her seat, which was an improvised couch, made of a spare mattress and couch pillows. She had been watching the two teams, huddled up, each team on their own side of the kitchen, harshly whispering, and grumbling. Every now and then a head would pop up, only to glare threateningly at the opposite team.

"You should be used to that by now." Rebekah mutters, momentarily lowering her phone to see her mate pointing aggressively at something on the kitchen counter.

"Yes, I really should." Luna agrees.

"Alright, teams! Time's up, I hope you've come up with a game plan." Damon shouts, hands around his mouth to make up for the loss of his megaphone. Niklaus had effectively broken the tool, unable to let himself get shouted at with a megaphone for the next few hours.

Damon makes some elaborate hand gestures in the direction of the kitchen counter. "This is where the magic happens. I suggest-" He halts upon seeing Finn's raised hand. "Yes, beanstalk?"

Finn scowls at the new nickname before straightening up. "I thought magic happened in the bedroom?"

Matt chokes a little at this before covering it up with a cough.

"Gross." Jeremy mumbles.

"Great question, Finnick. Um, different kind of magic." Damon replies quickly, desperately hoping the Original wouldn't try to take his pants off or do any other 'magic' related things. That would seriously make things awkward.

Finn nods solemnly, jotting the information down on his notepad, underneath the strategy of his team.

"You don't need to take notes on that." Niklaus grumbles.

"I will do as I please, Niklaus." Finn grumbles back, elbowing the hybrid in his ribs.

Niklaus glowers before snatching the notepad from Finn's grip and retaliating by whacking Finn over the head with it.

"Here we are, the scene of the murder." Caroline states, dramatically sliding a hand over the counter. There is a solemn expression on her face, completely ignoring the bickering Originals.

"Murder?" Enzo blinks, unsure what to make of the blonde vampire. He had gotten to know the youth of Mystic Falls plenty but had not yet been exposed to this darker side of Caroline.

Caroline grins viciously. "Yes, yours. I'm about to slaughter you in this competition."

"Enough threats!" Damon calls, waving his hands to gather the attention once more. Finn and Niklaus were coming close to blows and he didn't want any of the equipment getting damaged. "You will have two hours to make and bake your dough. Decorations will be happening tomorrow."

"This is going to take two days?" Niklaus asks, head snapping up, his annoyance with Finn forgotten. He was seriously reconsidering why he was entertaining Damon in the first place.

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