Chapter 56

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"Why must you torment me like this? I thought we had already established that I am not a morning person." Luna groans dramatically as she feels the duvet being ripped away from her body. The room wasn't exactly cold, seeing as the Mikaelsons always made certain their house was at a comfortable temperature for their only human household member. Luna however doesn't appreciate the rude awakening, and she would find a way to curse the culprit for this heinous crime.

"Because, love, someone here wanted to have a cat, and unless you want to be surrounded by sticky five-year-olds who want to pet the kittens, we have to be there early." Niklaus mumbles whilst stroking Luna's cheek affectionately.

"Cat?" Luna snaps her eyes open and lifts her head up from the pillow to look at Niklaus, who was grinning at her sudden eagerness. She doesn't even scowl at Niklaus' self-righteous expression.

"Yes, cat." Niklaus repeats in a tone as if talking to an over-enthusiastic five-year-old.

"You have finally found a Mikaelson worthy cat? Our final addition to this family?" Luna gasps, placing one hand on her chest whilst pushing herself into a seated position with the other.

Niklaus playfully rolls his eyes at Luna's mocking tone. "Final addition to our family? No. A Mikaelson worthy cat? Yes, there are a few options actually, which is why we must go."

"I love it!" Luna shouts over her shoulder as she sprints towards the door, nearly tripping over the duvet and her stuffed animal in the process. She however gracefully recovers herself.

"Pants, love." Niklaus calls before speeding up in front of Luna to stop her from leaving the room uncovered. He had already heard that they had visitors in the house, and he would rather get his neck snapped than have his mate exposed to any male who didn't wear the last name Mikaelson.

Luna lets her shoulders slump and looks up at the hybrid with a bemused expression. "I am already wearing pants." Luna complains as she lifts her nightshirt to reveal the shorts underneath.

"Humor me." Niklaus sighs before herding his mate to the bathroom.

• • •

"I should start charging you guys for your mealtime visits." Niklaus takes a seat at the kitchen island, tearing the newspaper out of Damon's hands. The vampire always managed to fold the thing in the most annoying places. Besides that, Damon even had the audacity to tear out advertisements, which made the reading experience a lot less practical.

Niklaus looks in disdain at the massive bowl of cereal that was in front of Jeremy. He understood the boy needed some more protein to become a bit more muscly, but he didn't believe the sugary breakfast food to be the best source for it.

Damon grumbles a little and tries to take the paper back, not quite done with reading about the troubles of the world, but stops himself when he sees Niklaus's eyes light up like a couple of headlights.

"Perhaps they don't know how to use a stove." Elijah challenges, looking pointedly at the pan with burnt oatmeal. Alaric was evidently more of a microwave-meal kind of guy.

"I know how to use a stove, thank you. I have used yours last week." Stefan replies.

"We know. It took us half an hour to clean the mess you left." Finn retorts, nose crinkling at the memory of the sauce explosion Stefan had left for them to deal with.

Finn's expression brightens when he sees Luna practically bouncing into the kitchen. "Good morning, my love. Did you sleep alright? Any more nightmares? Do you want toast or oatmeal for breakfast?"

Luna smiles fondly at Finn as she walks up to him to greet him with a kiss. "Good morning honey. I slept alright, a little, and toast, please. How was your night?"

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now