Chapter 35

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"Elena I told you to- Oh Luna, my favorite Mikaelson." Damon swings the door open and smirks upon seeing Luna. His and Stefan's conversation with Elena didn't go too smoothly and she had rung the doorbell a few more times after being kicked out.

Damon casually leans against the door while shifting his gaze to look at the other Mikaelsons. "And her guard dogs, lovely."

Kol scoffs, not at all impressed by the shirtless vampire. He had just dealt with a few hours of Enzo's flirtations and now had to deal with another vampire making moves on his mate. Kol knew the vampire wasn't serious in his efforts, otherwise, he would have already been staked, but it still annoyed him.

"Hi, Damon." Luna greets while rummaging through her bag for her phone. Rebekah had called, she would have to call back soon otherwise the vampire might think something was amiss, for now, she sent a quick text.

"Perhaps a shirt, Damon?" Elijah suggests mildly, shooting Damon a look that was anything but friendly.

"No thanks, Wouldn't want to rob Luna of the wondrous view." Damon replies while gesturing down his body, a suggestive smile playing at his lips.

At this Luna's head shot up but she was quickly stopped by Niklaus's hand which was covering her eyes. Sighing, Luna pushes the hand away. She wonders briefly why the vampire was shirtless, again. Maybe he had a problem regulating body heat. "Hmm, wasn't exactly blown away the first time, not much has changed." This earned her an approving rumbling from Finn, who was standing next to her, a possessive hand on her lower back.

"Ouch, you wound me, Luna." Damon brings a hand to his chest while feigning a hurt expression "No Barbie Klaus today?" He asks as he notices the mean blonde girl missing from the Mikaelson entourage.

"Bekah has been busy." Luna replies vaguely while leaning into Finn's side. She was starting to feel a little lethargic from today's excitement.

"So have you. You certainly don't waste any time do you?" Damon comments dryly while wagging his eyebrows. As soon as he had opened the door he had noticed Luna's scent, which had once again changed.

Luna looks quizzically at Damon, wondering if he was already aware of the things they had done at Whitmore college. Luna follows Damon's gaze and suddenly realizes what he was referring to. She was starting to dislike the fact that other supernatural creatures could tell who she had slept with. "Are you planning on make this joke every time?" Luna sighs, looking unamused.

"Only two more times." Damon smiles innocently at Luna who in turn pouts. "Unless of course, you happen to have even more soulmates." At this comment Kol groans, the idea of sharing his mate with even more people was plain dreadful.

"Don't listen to him, love. I am perfectly appeased with keeping things the way they are now." Niklaus offers, pressing a kiss to Luna's temple.

"Of course you are." Kol grumbles, elbowing Niklaus in the ribs. He was still feeling a bit petty at the fact that already two of his brothers had the chance to bond with his Luna. The fact that Niklaus and Finn kept rubbing that fact in his face didn't help either.

Niklaus turns his head towards Kol in annoyance and gives him a shove. Kol wants to grab Niklaus by the neck but stops when he sees Stefan stepping up beside Damon.

"Luna, Mikaelsons. Good to see you." Stefan's smile grows a little awkward as he sees the annoyed expressions of various Mikaelons.

"Hi, Stefan. How are you?" Luna asks smiling back at Stefan, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable in his own home.

"I'm great. Damon put on a shirt." Stefan replies before hitting Damon's shoulder, his nonsense had gone on for too long. Stefan would rather not get killed because his brother liked to provoke the Mikaelsons a little too much. Rolling his eyes, Damon struts off, only to return a few seconds later, fully clothed.

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