Chapter 72

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"Angel? Can you come downstairs? The stupid doppelgänger is still safely tied up, and Elijah and Nikkie have successfully finished their bickering."

"No! I'm not done." Luna turns her head to shout at the door whilst her hands pressed the wrapping paper down. Elijah had urged his mate to wrap her gifts upstairs whilst they 'cleaned up'. Luna had agreed, seeing as she didn't like cleaning very much and also because she didn't want to put her already wary mates in a worse mood.

Kol lets out a long-suffering sigh, forehead leaning against the door. "At least tell me you're almost finished."

"Uhm, just a few more minutes?"

"That's what you said ten minutes ago." Kol whines.

"Oh, really? Time does fly when you're having fun."

"I will try my best to not be offended by that statement." Kol huffs.

Luna bites her lip, her gaze going from the door, where her mate was waiting behind, to her small pile of unwrapped gifts. She started to take pity on her mate, and decided that she would quite enjoy his company. "Close your eyes."

After receiving no response, she rises to her feet. "Are your eyes closed?"

"Yes." Kol lies.

"Are you sure?" Luna asks, a suspicious tilt to her voice.

"Yes, darling." Kol replies, reluctantly closing his eyes.

"Good." Luna opens the door, happy to see her mate had obeyed her orders.

"I got you this flower, it is fake, so it will never die, just like my love for you." Kol offers, beaming brightly, eyes still closed as he thrusts the plastic peony into his mate's face.

"Oh, thank you." Luna smiles, happily accepting the gift. She would be certain to find a nice vase and put it in her shared room with Kol. "My love for you will also never die." She declares sincerely.

"Good, good. Can we kiss now?" Kol asks impatiently, already leaning forward. Without looking, he was trying to find his mate's lips for a kiss.

Luna lets out a giggle when Kol's lips land on one of her eyebrows. She grabs his face with her free hand and pulls him down for an actual kiss.

"I got you about twenty other plastic flowers." Kol grins, looking forward to exchanging the plastic things for kisses from his mate. "So you better prepare yourself for lots of kisses."

"Duly noted." Luna grabs his hands and unhurriedly guides him to the bed.

"Can I know what you got me, Santa?" Kol asks, trying to sneakily peek through his half-closed eyelids. He had found a seat on the bed and was closely listening to his mate's movements.

"No, and no peeking!" Luna calls as she takes her seat on the floor to continue her task. "Or no more kisses."

• • •

"Where is the coffee table?" Luna asks as she and Kol enter the living room, joining the other inhabitants and the tied-up doppelgänger.

Kol promptly herds her to the couch, making sure his mate was comfortably settled under a blanket before pushing Stefan out of the way so Kol could take the spot beside his mate.

"You're so rude." Stefan grumbles as he shuffles away, hand protectively curling around his plate. He had bullied Finn into making French toast.

"You must be mistaken, love. We never had a coffee table." Niklaus tries, pressing a kiss to his mate's jaw.

Luna shoots him an unimpressed look before shifting her gaze to Katherine, who seemed to choose that moment to regain consciousness. "Good, you're awake."

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now