Chapter 27

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"What is she doing here?" Elena asks upon seeing Sage enter the Salvatore boarding house.

"She-" Damon starts before getting cut off.

"I want Finn." Sage says, rolling her eyes at Elena, not in the mood for small talk. Seeing that girl with Finn had soured Sage's mood wholly and she was rather impatient to get him back.

"But he has a girl-" Stefan comments, looking a little confused. He still didn't fully understand who this woman was and why she was in his house.

"No, that girl is probably another cruel trick from Niklaus, a plaything to keep Finn docile." Sage retorts fiercely, glaring at Stefan.

Stefan shifts his gaze to Damon, who merely shrugs at him, also not sure how to deal with the unyielding vampire. "That 'girl' is his mate... I don't think it works like-" Stefan tries carefully.

"No, she's not his mate. She's delusional or compelled and Finn's family has obviously talked in on him, tormented him until he believed their vicious lies." Sage snaps. "As soon as he sees me, everything will be back to normal, he will remember our connection." Sage declares, obviously putting an end to their argument.

• • •

"My dear Elskan, do you have to hang that godawful picture on the mantle?" Elijah asks, scowling a little at the framed photograph that now adorned their living room.

"Yes, I told you it would serve as a reminder for you guys to not act like idiots." Luna replies, smiling sweetly at her grumpy mate.

"Just wait until you see the picture I took of you guys last night."

After the extensive tour to see all the damage the Mikaelson men had done, Luna had made them pose in the living room, encouraging them to look as remorseful as possible as she took the picture.

Elijah huffs, knowing he wouldn't win this, if he were to move the frame one inch, he would face the wrath of his mate and most likely spend the next fifty years sleeping on the floor instead of next to her.

"I think I will call it 'the Idiot Gallery'." Luna hums, kissing Elijah's cheek before running off to gloat with Rebekah.

• • •

"What does a 'mate' entail?" Alaric asks, looking as confused as the rest of the gang.

"Soulmates." Sage grits, tightly clutching her glass. She ignores the small cracks that were starting to appear in it.

"Soulmates." Bonnie repeats, raising her eyebrows in surprise. "What is that exactly?"

"I'm not sure about human and vampire soulmates, but soulmates supposedly have an instant connection, they complete each other. Soulmates are meant to love, cherish and protect each other till the end of their lives." Stefan explains while pacing a little in the room as if giving a presentation.

Sage scoffs.

"It sounds like marriage." Caroline comments, looking a little dreamily at the idea of having a soulmate.

"This runs way deeper. You don't divorce or break up, you are inseparable. The bond is sacred and it transcends anything you've ever experienced before. It is giving everything of yourself to the other, without expecting anything in return." Stefan rambles, reciting the information he had read in one of the many books from their collection.

"You've been hitting the books, Stef." Damon comments.

Stefan rolls his eyes, after Luna's revelation he had been researching everything he could on soulmates. He must confess that he had looked up ways to break the bond, maybe find a way to spare Luna heartache if Damon did end up killing one of her mates.

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