Chapter 48

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"My sweet Elskan, it is time to wake up." Elijah gently strokes Luna's face, feeling almost guilty for waking his peaceful-looking mate. Although he wanted his mate to sleep enough, Elijah also didn't want to disrupt her daily rhythm too much, perhaps she could take a nap in the afternoon, if necessary.

Last night Luna had another nightmare and he had done his best to comfort her. Luna hadn't wanted to worry Elijah with the contents of the nightmare, but judging by the way she had pushed Elijah away upon waking, terrified look in her eyes, it was not difficult to guess what the dream had been about.

"No, it's not." Luna mumbles. Not bothering to open her eyes as she turns away from the voice that sounded like Elijah's and pulls the duvet tighter around her.

"I think it is." Elijah hums.

"Well, you thought wrong, it is still night." Luna declares drowsily, eyes still closed. She pats around the mattress until she has found her stuffed animal, if the man beside her was insistent on waking, he could do all he liked. She was staying put.

"It is eleven am, dearest." Elijah replies, smiling at the small frown that now formed on Luna's face.

"I refuse to believe that." Luna grumbles. This conversation lasted a lot longer than she had anticipated and she wished dearly that Elijah would just shut up, cave to her wish, and cuddle with her.

"Come on, I will draw you a bath and we can-"

"You know, I've read a study, which said that people who wake their soulmates too early get fewer kisses." Luna turns back around and peels one eye open to look at her mate, not at all impressed with his insistence to get her to leave the warm and comfortable bed. "Boy, I would hate to be part of that group."

Elijah's smile turns into a predator-like smirk. His Luna was no stranger to witty comebacks and he was fairly certain she was challenging him. Elijah leans over slightly, getting closer to his mate, before pressing his lips close to her ear. "How most interesting, I read an article in which it said that soulmates who do not wake before noon don't get blueberry pancakes and don't get to go furniture shopping."

Luna's eyes flutter open as she ignores the shiver that ran up her spine as well as the soft kisses that were being pressed to the side of her neck. "Hmm, that sounds like fake news. I think you need to check your sources."

"Do you now?" Elijah rumbles as he quickly rolls Luna over, pinning her onto the mattress, his body hanging over hers. He looks pleased with the blush that was now visible on Luna's cheeks.

Luna swallows, confidence faltering slightly while blinking up at Elijah. The man looked far too complacent in her opinion. "Hmm." Luna nods her head a little while shifting her gaze between Elijah's eyes and his lips.

Elijah ducks his head and places small kisses on Luna's throat while one of his hands roam over her body. He smirks when he hears a small moan coming from his mate's lips.

Luna looks expectantly at Elijah when he raises his head from her neck, looking at her. She lifts her head, waiting for their lips to connect.

Instead of kissing Luna, Elijah decides to tickle Luna, not only to punish her for her impertinence but also to get her awake enough to get out of bed.

"Fine, fine! Stop! I'm awake!" Luna manages to say in between her giggles whilst trying to escape Elijah's fingers. She eventually pushes Elijah off and jumps off the bed, quickly making her way to the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

• • •

"This family makes me want to murder people." Niklaus growls just as Luna and Elijah make their way downstairs.

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