Chapter 51

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Luna lets out a disappointed sigh as she wakes to an empty bed. She had hoped to cuddle with Kol for a bit longer. The familiar tingle and warmth of completing the soulmate bond made her long for closeness to Kol. She lets out another sigh, wallowing in self-pity when the door opens. Luna's face instantly brightens when she sees Kol, holding a tray stacked with food.

"Goodmorning little Angel!" Kol chirps happily as he puts the tray onto the bed. He bends over to press a kiss to Luna's forehead before climbing back onto the bed. Unable to resist, he pulls his mate onto his lap, nuzzling his face into her neck whilst pulling the tray towards them, making sure his mate could reach her breakfast.

"You made all of this? It's amazing." Luna gushes as she looks at the various breakfast item that made her mouth water.

"I might have bullied Finn into making it... I did however wash the fruit and poured the juice." He might have excelled at making pancakes but waffles were a different story.

Finn did not enjoy the idea of Kol boasting and taking credit for his work but he'd rather have his mate fed with something edible than a half baked-raw waffle which could lead to salmonella.

"Good job sweetie thank you." Luna smiles up at Kol while a blush makes its way to her face. She had become acutely aware of her naked body against his clothed one.

Kol, who had been feeling very complacent with completing their bond, is not able to hide his giddy smile, which only widens when he sees his blushing mate. He lovingly lets his fingers brush over her bare skin, tracing small patterns whilst looking longingly at the bitemark, a visible reminder of last night's events.

Luna almost dozes off again under Kol's gentle caressing but urges herself to stay awake. She lazily stirs her coffee while slowly chewing on a strawberry. "Kol?" Luna breaks the pleasant silence and turns her head to look at her mate.


"Do you want children?" Luna asks carefully, thinking back to what her mate had confessed during their lovemaking.

Kol blinks and remains silent for a moment. He wanted children with his mate but he had no idea if this was something his mate wanted too. He decides to test the water by bouncing the question back. "Do you want children?"

Luna lets a small giggle escape. "I asked first, but yes I do. You?"

"Yes, but I can not give them to you." Kol mumbles, frowning at the wall. He hated to admit he couldn't give his mate everything she desired.

"Children do not need to be biological, we can adopt or foster and there is always Niklaus..." Luna offers softly. She lets a small sigh escape when she hears Kol huff behind her. "Sorry, perhaps that's a bit of a sensitive matter."

Kol simply nuzzles at her temple, accepting her apology. He understood that his mate was only trying to be solution-oriented. Kol should be happy for his mate that she could have Mikaelson children, but a narrow-minded part of his brain was dissatisfied with this. His possessive side wanted her to conceive only from him.

Luna lets herself melt into Kol's arms. "I think it will be good for the five of us to talk about this and other future-related topics such as my human status, right?" Luna mumbles. "Alright, I'm going to shower and then-" Luna continues when she sees Kol nod at her proposal.

Kol lets out a grumble and squeezes Luna a little closer to his body, not willing to let her leave. He was certain his brothers would demand her attention soon and right now he wanted her all to himself. "You're not going anywhere little mate."

"Kol, sweetie, we need to get out of bed." Luna complains softly while trying to wriggle herself free from Kol's iron hold.

"Just a few more hours." Kol tries while letting his hands wander. His mate's nudity had aroused him as well as the prospect of his mate carrying Mikaelson children. With all the intercourse he had been missing out on, he believed it only fair if his mate granted him a few more hours of him exploring her body.

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