Chapter 44

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"Psst... Bekah."

"Bekah... are you awake?"

"What?" Rebekah groans, reluctantly opening her eyes. She had a very nice, Enzo-related dream and this person better had a very good reason to wake her. Rebekah supresses an eyeroll as she sees Luna. "Why are you sitting on my stomach again?"

"Because it is easier to talk to you this way." Luna shrugs, before smiling broadly at her friend, happy to see her awake. If Rebekah hadn't woken up she would have to take more drastic measures, which may or may not include a bucket of water.

"No, it isn't." Rebekah deadpans, letting out a long-suffering sigh before turning her bedside lamp on.

"Hmm it is for me. Besides that, you have to be nice to me because I got kidnapped." Luna nods, agreeing with her own statement.

Rebekah sighs in defeat, not even wanting to know what time it was. "Fine."

"Do you want some pasta?." Luna offers the blonde a spoonful of macaroni. She had been too lazy to make something fancy for herself.

"No thank you Luna." Rebekah gently pushes the spoon away, making sure not to spill anything on her satin sheets. She frowns, it had been a while since Luna had woken her up like this. "Why are you already up? Aren't you exhausted?"

"Yes, but I had a nightmare." Luna admits, looking down at her bowl, poking listlessly at the macaroni.

Images of her dream flash before Luna's eyes of how Kol had torn into her throat, the feeling of her blood spilling out of her neck, covering her in the warm sticky liquid. She vaguely remembers the sound of breaking bones, her bones. Luna blinks, trying to rid herself of the intrusive images, she knew the Mikaelsons wouldn't hurt her like that, it was just her brain playing tricks with her.

"And you decided to cook pasta and sit on top of me instead of waking one of my brothers?" Rebekah asks rhetorically while fixing Luna with a disbelieving look.

Luna shrugs. Finn and Kol had already taken care of her last night, smothering her in attention and affection and she felt guilty for asking even more attention just because she had a nightmare. "I didn't want to bother them and the pasta cheers me up." Luna mumbles, setting the pasta on Rebekah's nightstand, appetite gone.

Rebekah raises her eyebrows. So far Luna didn't exactly look cheered up by the food. "And you don't mind bothering mebecause?"

"Because we're best friends... and once again, you have to be nice to me." Luna looks expectantly at Rebekah, expecting a bit more support from her best friend. She had seen plenty of movies where best friends call each other in the middle of the night for emotional support.

Luna had contemplated calling Stefan but thought the vampire might not appreciate that, besides that, why would she call Stefan when she had a best friend living with her.

Rebekah sighs before nodding, her friend did seem in need of some comfort or at least some distraction. "Alright, do you want to talk about it?" Rebekah asks, sitting up straighter, pushing Luna off her stomach and into her lap.

"No thank you." Luna shakes her head, thinking for a moment about a different topic before smiling brightly at the blonde. "I just realized we haven't gossiped about the fact you have a soulmate."

Now that Rebekah also had her soulmate they could gossip and compare soulmate things. Maybe they could convince their mates to do yard work in tanktops and then Rebekah and she could look on from a distance with cocktails in their hands, like in those best friend movies.

"We did talk about it." Rebekah points out before realizing that Luna might have forgotten because of the excitement of last night's events. "During the dance." She clarifies.

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