Chapter 36

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"Great, I'm playing host to the youth of Mystic Falls... again." Damon groans when Bonnie and Caroline stride into the boarding house, not waiting for the vampire to invite them in. Grumbling incoherently Damon follows the girls, plopping himself down on one of the couches, crossing his arms, and looking expectantly at the intruders. If Tyler and Matt were showing up next he was going to move out.

"Thank god, the amount of testosterone in this room was getting overbearing." Luna jokes, which earns her a playful growl from Elijah. "Just kidding." Luna quickly adds, pressing a kiss to Elijah's jaw after shooting him an innocent smile.

It hadn't been a joke, although the male vampires got along pretty well, all it took was one wrong comment before the room was filled with growls and other 'manly noises'. Luna briefly wonders if this would happen if you put a bunch of human men in a room, but decided she didn't need to know. The only ones who had shown some restraint were Alaric, Jeremy, and Stefan, none of them had found it necessary to meddle in the battle of the egos.

Bonnie immediately took the spot next to Jeremy, and Caroline settles herself onto the couch next to Luna, which makes Kol, who just came back from the kitchen grumble a little seeing as it had been his spot. Reluctantly, Kol stays on his feet while glaring at the back of the blonde's head.

"Hi, Luna. I hope you are great." Caroline begins before rambling on, not giving Luna an actual chance to respond. Caroline would have politely awaited the brunette's answer if she wasn't feeling upset. "I'm not great. I can't believe all the stuff that is happening! Like, first Elena compels Jeremy and makes us lie to him, especially Bonnie." Caroline shoots Jeremy an apologetic smile, she was trying her best to be tactful but it was difficult while so high in her own emotions.

Jeremy gives her a simple nod, not minding the rant one bit. He himself wasn't too happy with his sister right now.

"And now that he's back she tries to get him to kill your Originals? It doesn't make sense. She sent him away for his 'safety' and now she's fine with risking his life as long as she gets rid of the Originals! What is even-" Caroline halts abruptly as her eyes land on Enzo. "Who's this?"

"Old friend?" Enzo offers awkwardly, waving a little at the rambling blonde who looked ready to bite someone's head off.

"Oh, alright." Caroline nods before shifting her gaze back to Luna to continue. "As I was saying, Elena has become delusional. She actually thinks Bon and I want to kill the Originals. We don't. Sure Rebekah hasn't been exactly pleasant and Klaus isn't our favorite person, but still. I just don't understand it. What the hell happened that made her act like this?!" Caroline gasps for breath at the end of her rant while looking indignantly at Luna, as if seeking her confirmation and approval.

Luna looks a little flabbergasted at the blonde, not having expected her to go on a full rant to her. She liked Caroline a lot, as a character and as a real-life person, but she had always thought her to be permanently loyal to Elena, they were best friends after all. Luna's eyes widen a little as she finally processes all the information that Caroline had just thrown at her.

"She wants to kill... the Originals?" Luna echoes, hoping dearly that she had misheard the blonde. Luna didn't understand how Elena wanted to kill them, seeing as there was no white oak left, at least not in Mystic Falls. But if things worked the same in this universe as they did on the TV show, the doppelganger would eventually find a way.

Caroline nods frantically while smiling up at Stefan who hands her a glass of blood. She had tried to be a good friend to Elena, she really did but the pile-up of disappointments and letdowns from her friend was becoming too much. So the next best thing was to warn Luna and the Mikaelsons.

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