Chapter 38

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"God you look so hot! We would make the best-looking babies in the world." Luna gushes as Rebekah does a spin in front of her, making the pearl necklaces around her throat rattle. Rebekah had adorned Luna in similar necklaces. She had lied to Luna that they were fake pearls when the human started sputtering, internally rolling her eyes. As if she would let herself, or her friend for that matter, wear fake pearls.

"Yeah, they would be super pretty." Rebekah agrees, grinning broadly. "Like, supermodel pretty."

"No one's making babies, Elskan!" Elijah calls from downstairs.

"Spoilsport." Luna mutters.

"I protest that statement!"

"Shut up, Nikkie!"

"Let's go, my brothers are getting impatient. Apparently being separated for three hours is a lot for them to handle!" Rebekah says loud enough for her brothers to hear.

Luna nods, swiftly following Rebekah out of the room. Luna smiles broadly when she sees her mates waiting in the foyer, all looking dressed their best for the dance.

Kol had grumbled a little at having to go to a high school dance, but Elijah had managed to sway his mood by telling him that the Salvatores would be there and that Kol surely would want to one-up them with his outfit. Kol indeed looked very handsome in his well-tailored suit.

All of the Mikaelson men wore a suit and were dressed like the upper class of the 1920s. Elijah had exchanged his usual solid black suit for one with a subtle stripe pattern, Finn wore a similar jacket but in dark grey tones. Luna noticed that Niklaus wore the same suit as in the TV series, which somehow looked even better in real life.

"You guys look very handsome." Luna compliments the moment she and Rebekah had reached the bottom of the stairs, Finn, promptly stepping forward to offer her his arms. "You look dazzling, my love." Finn murmurs, nuzzling her cheek briefly.

"Thank you, Angel! You look, well... like an angel! A very sparkly angel!" Kol replies while stepping forward to press a kiss to Luna's temple.

"Thank you, Kol, Finn." Luna blushes slightly. She did look sparkly, Rebekah had put three layers of shimmery eyeshadow on her lids and adorned her curls with a diamond clip, Luna didn't dare ask if those were real, already expecting the worst.

"I'm starting to suspect you like us better when we are wearing suits." Niklaus comments dryly, not missing the way his mate's eyes roam over himself and his brothers.

"Who knows." Luna grins cheekily at the hybrid. "It sure doesn't hurt."

• • •

"Hi, Luna." Stefan greets enthusiastically as the Mikaelsons and Luna walk up to the group that had gathered in front of the school.

"Hello Stefan, Damon." Luna replies, smiling cheerfully at the two brothers. To be honest she hadn't expected them to be there seeing as they usually went with Elena when something bad was happening, besides that Stefan used to say he didn't like to dance, but then again he was still enrolled as a student here, unlike her.

"I see you've bought your collection of househusbands." Damon comments dryly. The mess the Mikaelsons had left in his kitchen hadn't gone unnoticed, but neither did the stack of cupcakes, so Damon couldn't be too mad about the whole thing.

Niklaus scowls at the Salvatore but remains silent. He didn't want to spoil his mate's evening by starting a fight before even entering the building, but it wouldn't take much for him to provide Damon with a neck-snap-nap.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Rebekah mutters. She exchanges a semi-awkward smile with Stefan, both thinking back to what had transpired between them during the 1920s in Chicago.

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