Chapter 30

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"Good morning, Nik." Luna murmurs when she feels Niklaus shift around her. Luna still had her eyes closed, enjoying the warm sunlight that shone into their room and onto her skin. Niklaus was curled up behind her, arm around her waist. She wasn't used to the skin-to-skin contact but it felt nice, intimate.

"Goodmorning, little love." Niklaus whispers, fondly pressing a kiss to her shoulder blade, enjoying the warm feeling of her skin beneath his fingers and lips. Images of last night flash through his mind, the way he had touched, kissed and explored every inch of skin he could find. The euphoric feeling that came with their completed bond still sparked in his veins.

"How are you feeling?" Niklaus asks, suddenly feeling apprehensive. He had thoroughly enjoyed last night but now worried that he might have taken his mate for granted, that he was too busy chasing his own pleasure and satisfaction that he hadn't paid as much attention to her as he should have.

"I feel fantastic." Luna replies, turning around to face Niklaus, entwining their legs together. Luna felt perfectly happy. An unfamiliar but pleasant sense of belonging had settled itself in her stomach and she felt completely at home for the first time in a long time. Worries of being abandoned, forgotten, or hurt had completely vanished and she experienced a blissful warmth coming from within.

"That's probably because of the soulmate bond." Niklaus mumbles, frowning a little at this new aspect of their relationship.

Luna feels the blissful daze wear off a little when she sees Niklaus's expression. "Why do you not sound overjoyed with that?" Luna looks confused at Niklaus, not understanding. She thought that completing the soulmate bond gave him something he had longed for, the promise of everlasting love, the promise of no more loneliness. Luna thought this was similar to the 'Always and forever' vow they had made, something that tied them together.

"Because I want to know how you really feel about last night. You probably perceive a need to reassure me, to lie about feeling well to spare my feelings." Niklaus answers, looking almost resentful towards the entire happening.

Luna's face softens and she looks affectionately at Niklaus, who, despite his many years on this earth, still resembled the insecure boy he had once been. She gently runs her fingers across his jaw before resting her palm on his face, gently stroking his face with her thumb.

"No, Niklaus. I wouldn't lie about that to make you feel better." Luna assures, pressing a kiss to his collarbone.

"Luna, I've bitten you... multiple times"

"Nik, it was wonderful and I... actually liked the biting." Luna admits, blushing heavily. She looks at Niklaus, who was still frowning a little.

"Pity..." Luna sighs, smiling innocently up at Niklaus.

"What is?" Niklaus asks, narrowing his eyes a little upon seeing the devious grin that was now playing at his mate's lips. He had seen that look before and was sure she was up to something.

"I was going to offer you morning sex, but seeing as you're not in the mo-" Luna lets out a shriek of laughter when Niklaus rolls them over, pinning her to the mattress.

"Believe me, love, I am definitely in the mood." Niklaus purrs, slanting his hips against Luna's. "Now, what were you saying about the biting?"

• • •

Niklaus hums in approval as he noses contently at the bitemarks and hickeys that littered Luna's skin, he had added a few new ones this morning.

"You butchered me." Luna scolds in a playful manner, smirking at Niklaus's reflection in the bathroom mirror. She was very pleased with herself. She had successfully lifted Niklaus out of his slump with another very pleasant lovemaking session.

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