Chapter 47

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"Please tell me you're not planning on forcing her..."

"Why force when we can persuade?" Niklaus shrugs in what would be a casual gesture if his expression hadn't been as tense as it was now. "Anyway, if our Luna is to disagree, we will have an eternity to gain her forgiveness."

"You guys are insane, I will persona-"

Rebekah is cut off by the sound of the doorbell. The sharp ringing noise makes that Luna startles awake.

Luna glances around the room, taking in the various tense and angry expressions of the Mikaelsons. Unlike last night, she had a nightmare-free nap, which was quite refreshing. She smiles up at Finn, before pressing her face back into his chest, enjoying the comfortable warmth that was emitting from him.

"I'll go." Kol prompts, like last time, jumping off the couch and jogging towards the door. If it were the Salvatores, again, he would be forced to snap their necks. He knew his mate liked the two idiots, and he could stand their presence well enough, but some alone time with his mate was also much needed.

Kol's eyes narrow as he sees the blonde vampire and her witch friend. "What?" Kol bites out rather rudely.

"Why are you keeping Luna from seeing us?" Bonnie asks arm crossed as she glares back at the vampire.

"We are not keeping-"

"Yes you are. We had plans to meet up at the Grill last night but she canceled and we were supposed to meet up earlier today and she never showed." Bonnie retorts, cutting Kol off. She was not taking any excuses from the Originals. Thanks to the group chat she knew all about the Salvatores' constant visits to the Mikaelson mansion, so there really was no objection to them also partaking in such visits.

"How is this my problem?" Kol grumbles, rolling his eyes at the two girls. He already was in a bit of a foul mood, his sister was nagging and he himself was in conflict with what was right and what was safe.

"We have a suspicion it had to do with you guys, being-"

"Hardly." Kol sniffs haughtily while jutting his chin out.

"Can we go in?" Caroline asks, already taking a step forward, ready to push past the Original if necessary. She had officially claimed Luna as her new best friend, along with Bonnie of course, and she would not let anyone, including Kol Mikaelson, stop her from visiting her best friend.

"No." Kol decides, puffing his chest out a little to appear more threatening. He had snapped Caroline's neck before and he wouldn't hesitate to do it again if the girl kept insisting.

"Why not?" Bonnie narrows her eyes at the vampire, not at all impressed by his sudden macho behavior. She had heard plenty of Luna about Kol's child-like behavior to really feel threatened by him. Yes, he was still an Original vampire, but she was a witch, besides that she was certain Luna would kick his ass if he harmed them.

"Because." Kol growls, taking a step back to close the door.

"That's not a reason." Caroline snaps.

"I think it is, which is what matters. Bye." Kol slams the door shut, leaving the two girls to glare at the now-closed door.

• • •

"What's going on?" Luna asks softly, looking curiously at Niklaus who was still standing in the middle of the living room, shoulders tensed, an angry expression on his face.

"Just a sibling conflict, love." Niklaus turns to his mate with a forced calm expression.

Luna's eyes look past the hybrid at Rebekah, who looked anything but calm. The blonde looked frustrated, close to tears even. Luna furrows her brow and wiggles a little to sit up straight. She didn't like the idea of Niklaus upsetting his sister. "Are you alright, Bekah?"

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now