Chapter 73

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Sexual content warning

"It is time for bed, love." Niklaus says, hand stroking the back of Luna's head. He exchanges a quick look with Elijah before rising to his feet. He glances down at the new carpet, a little displeased with the aesthetic. Stefan and Enzo had rolled up the stained rug and replaced it with one they had found in the attic.

"No, thank you." Luna hums, ignoring Niklaus's offered hand. She and Kol had been playing with an old board game Kol had found in one of the cupboards, and Luna was certain she was winning this round.

"It wasn't a question." Niklaus sputters, unamused.

"Yet, I had an answer." Luna grins cheekily up at her mate.

"I promise I will make it worth your while." Niklaus attempts, growing a little impatient upon hearing Damon snicker at his expense. Perhaps he should give the Salvatore the same treatment as Katherine. A hybrid bite seemed to improve people's attitude toward him immensely.

Luna furrows her brows. Her mate seemed quite insistent, and she wondered if he would attempt to bribe her if she kept rejecting his advances. "Katherine could be back any minute."

"Katherine can go to hell for all I care." Niklaus snorts. Although he would love to be the one to finally rid the world of the doppelgänger, there were plenty of other capable inhabitants who could deal with Katherine while he was otherwise occupied.

"I don't think you want that, seeing as she would pretty much rule the place." Luna mumbles.

Niklaus raises his brows in surprise at this tidbit of information. He takes a second to process the fact there was an actual hell. He really ought to have flipped to the back of Luna's binder.

"Ugh, just go upstairs already! I don't want to witness your disgusting foreplay." Rebekah groans, lobbing a pillow at the back of Luna's head. Her brothers really weren't subtle when it came down to this.

"Jealous, Bekah?" Luna turns her head to send her friend a suggestive look. Her comment is answered with another pillow being thrown at her face.

Luna shoots the blonde a glare before accepting Niklaus's waiting hand. He easily pulls her to her feet, and they head for the foyer after bidding everyone goodnight.

"What have you done?" Luna asks curiously as she lets Niklaus guide her up the stairs. Niklaus had been awfully quiet, and his smug expression did little to put her at ease.

"You'll find out soon enough." Niklaus hums, a pleased smile crossing his face at Luna's exasperated expression.

"Really? You're not going to tell me?" Luna huffs dramatically. "I'm your mate, you're supposed to share things with me."

Niklaus grins, not falling for Luna's attempt at manipulating him. "I promise you; you will be more than satisfied by the end of the night."

"You talk a big game, Mr. Mikaelson." Luna teases.

Niklaus smirks, fingers brushing over the zipper of his mate's dress. "I think we both know I'm completely justified in doing so."

Luna shoots her mate a knowing look before slipping into their shared bedroom. Her eyes roam the cozy room, searching for an indication of what her mate had in store for her. She wasn't surprised to already find multiple candles lit. Niklaus believes it's important to set the mood, no matter how many times they had shared the bed already.

"I see you went to the candle store." Luna says, happily breathing in the vanilla aroma.

"Anything for you, sweetheart." Niklaus vows before planting his mouth on the base of Luna's neck.

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