Chapter 46

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"Onwards, peasant!" Luna shouts excitedly while thrusting her arm forward as if she was sending an army into battle.

"Of course, my lady." Finn replies as he tightens his hold on Luna's thighs and continues their journey towards the kitchen, coming to a halt when he sees the gathered group of people who most definitely did not reside in the mansion.

Noticing Finn tensing up, Luna looks up. She presses a kiss on Finn's cheek before wiggling off his back. "Jeremy, Damon, Alaric. Good morning." Luna greets timidly when she has found her footing.

"Good morning." Jeremy waves at the two before stuffing another spoonful of cereal in his mouth. He had been impressed that the household of Mikaelsons had so many breakfast options, it was almost like walking in the cereal aisle in the supermarket. Jeremy had decided to go for a healthy mix of the three most sugary kinds of cereal he could find.

Finn lets out a huff, not appreciating how the three were intruding on his morning with Luna. Decidedly disregarding them, he walks towards the refrigerator, grabs a variety of products, and gets started on his mate's breakfast.

"How nice of you to join us for breakfast." Luna offers awkwardly, wishing she had gotten dressed before heading downstairs. She takes a seat next to Damon, looking on as Finn starts whisking some eggs and milk together.

"Ah, the pleasure is all mine, Luna. Cute pJ's." Damon smirks when he sees Luna's cheeks reddening. His smirk quickly drops when Luna punches his arm.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Damon mutters while rubbing his arm, the human girl could punch harder than he thought. "Or in the wrong bed." Damon adds as an afterthought, which earns him another blow to the arm.

"Seeing as Stefan and Enzo stayed the night, Damon figured that we might as well come over." Alaric shoots Luna an apologetic smile.

Last night, Luna had felt guilty at the idea of sending Stefan home in the middle of the night. After some adorable pleas from Luna, Niklaus had reluctantly agreed to let Stefan stay in a guestroom, far away from his mate.

"Did he now?" Niklaus rejoins as he and Stefan enter the kitchen. Niklaus too looked quite annoyed with the presence of the uninvited guests.

Damon nods, he chooses not to pay attention to the rhetorical tone of the hybrid.

"Just because the front door is broken, doesn't mean you can just barge in here." Niklaus grumbles. He and Stefan had taken a look at the damage that was caused by the latter, and Niklaus was unimpressed, to say the least. Stefan had broken not only the lock but also two of the windows close to the door and he had left a pretty big dent in the woodwork. In short, the vampire would make a terrible burglar.

Niklaus walks up to his mate and presses a kiss to the back of her head while embracing her from behind, fondly taking in the vanilla scent that was coming off her. Luna had decided to try one of the new body washes that had been placed in her bathroom and Niklaus preferred this soft vanilla scent to the overly sweet mango scent she had tried earlier.

"How are you this morning, little love? Any more night terrors?" Niklaus asks in the gentle voice he only reserved for her.

"Some." Luna admits, knowing it was no use to lie in a house full of vampires. She leans back into Niklaus's chest.

Luna hadn't forgotten Kol's hurt expression from yesterday when he found out she hadn't woken him when she had a nightmare, which is why she had grudgingly woken Finn up last night. Finn had held her and comforted her, but it hadn't exactly helped her get rid of what she had seen. Luna was close to asking one of her mates to compel the nightmares away if the dreams continued to plague her.

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