Chapter 14

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"It's that we don't want to draw unnecessary attention, otherwise I would leash him." Luna mutters, shaking her head while watching Kol's movements.

The second the Mikaelson entourage had entered the airport, Kol had been running around, speeding from one shop to the other. Luna understood that the whole flying experience is very new and exciting to him, but it was also Finn's first time flying and he somehow didn't feel the need to act like a lunatic.

Luna was extremely worried that the Mikaelsons would get recognized at the crowded airport. In order to be less noticeable, they had split up. She was walking in between Finn and Elijah. Kol was paired with Niklaus and Rebekah with Rowan. This last pair was strongly recommended by Luna.

Rebekah had rolled her eyes at Luna's pettiness and not-so-subtle suggestion but agreed to it. As long as the witch kept her mouth shut, Rebekah was fine with everything. In hindsight, her babysitting duty was by far easier than Niklaus'.

They all watch Niklaus running after Kol and pulling him back by the scruff of his neck. The older brother spoke animatedly to the younger brother, waving his arms around and pointing aggressively at different shops Kol had visited. Kol seemed to get an earful.

Luna shifts her gaze to Rebekah and Rowan and sees Rebekah snicker, she had obviously heard her comment.

Rowan has been surprisingly docile. This could be because she was able to go home or because of the threat of the vampire blood that was still in her system, either way, it worked out perfectly.

Elijah smiles down at his mate, squeezing her hand in an attempt to ease her nerves. "Once we get back, I would be more than willing to put Kol in a time-out for you, my dear Luna." He hums, pressing a kiss to Luna's temple.

Luna glares playfully at him, bumping her shoulder against him.

"Do you think one week would suffice, brother?" Finn pipes in. "Or shall we make it a month?" He offers, taking hold of Luna's other hand, pressing a swift kiss to her palm.

Finn, like Luna, had been tense, but not for the same reasons as his mate, from what he has heard, his role in the show hadn't been as prominent as that of his siblings, which made him less likely to be recognized.

He has been on edge because of all the strangers that were currently in close proximity to his mate, it made his territorial instincts flare.

Luna shifts her gaze from Elijah to Finn and shakes her head, laughing. "I don't think he'd ever stop pouting if I'd allow you to dagger him." Luna snickers at the prospect.

Elijah rumbles softly, inner vampire pleased that he managed to relax his mate.

"Luna! Nik is being mean!" Kol exclaims indignantly, striding towards the trio, looking deeply offended by the lecture he had just received.

Luna blinks in disbelief at the man-child. He had been running around, shouting, and hurtling in and out of shops like there was no tomorrow. Not a single trace of stealth or restraint, yet here he was complaining about being reprimanded.

Sighing, Luna pulls her hand free from Elijah's grasp, rolling her eyes upon hearing his protesting growl. With her free hand, she clutches Kol's arm and pulls him, and involuntarily Finn, towards the nearest empty bench. Elijah follows them and gives his youngest brother an irritated look.

Luna sees Niklaus and Rebekah giving her questioning looks, she motions for them to continue walking.

"Kol, what do you not understand about not attracting attention?!" Luna whispers harshly, shooting nervous glances at the people who were curiously glancing in their direction.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now