Chapter 66

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A/N:They're home again! Yay.I'm currently going through some heartbreak so I decided on writing some pre-Christmas fluf to cheer myself up. It is difficult for me to write about love when I don't currently feel much love. But Luna and her Mikaelsons always tend to cheer me up.Niklaus got some extra love in this chapter, seeing as he is often bullied by others. I do have a big love for Niklaus and only write the dog joke as a form of my love for him :) (And to make you guys laugh). I hope you enjoyed this chapter.Lots of love,

"This is why we didn't invite you, you always make it weird. Don't make it weird." Niklaus grumbles, one hand clenched around the steering wheel, the other slapping Damon's hand away. The vampire kept changing the music, to the great annoyance of the hybrid.

After quite some more bickering from both the Salvatores and the Mikaelsons on the campsite, they had collectively decided to 'borrow' a car as soon as they came across one. A very uncomfortable fifteen minutes into their journey, they came across a couple of tourists who were parked near the road, in need of directions.

"I'm not making anything weird!" Damon protests. "I was only saying that sharing one tent has surely brought us closer."

"You are not getting a bedroom in my house." Niklaus snaps impatiently.

"How do you feel about Christmas cake?" Finn suggests, gently nosing his mate's cheek.

Luna, seated on Finn's lap, has been excitedly chatting to her mate and Stefan. It wasn't exactly the safest way to travel, but then again, neither was hanging out with vampires and hybrids.

The three had been discussing the various dishes they wanted to prepare for the upcoming holidays. Both she and Finn were eager to start the tradition of constructing gingerbread houses. Luna had never had done so in her universe, and Finn was more than eager to participate in all Christmas-related activities with his mate.

"I don't like Christmas cake." Stefan mumbles before Luna can speak, looking a little disappointed at the prospect of having to bake something he disliked.

"That's alright, maybe Finn and I can make a small one. There are still plenty of other things we can bake." Luna proposes upon noticing Stefan's glum expression.

Stefan contemplates this compromise before nodding contently.

"Are we getting a tree?" Damon asks loudly, squirming a little in his seat to put a little more distance between himself and the hybrid. He had been insistent on riding shotgun, but now longed for a spot in the back, far away from Niklaus's venomous fangs.

"Of course, we will," Niklaus grumbles. "If only so I can stab you with one of its branches if you keep being a constant annoyance."

• • •

"I'm bored." Kol complains.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Elijah sighs, fingers drumming on the steering wheel. He could easily distinguish his mate through the back window of the car in front of them.

Elijah had practically dragged Kol into the car of the now-deceased tourists. Despite rather being near Luna himself, he believed it best if Kol wouldn't spend the next five hours in a confined space with the Salvatores.

"Entertain me?"


"You are no fun."

"So I've been told." Elijah deadpans. He would be certain to bully Niklaus into switching travel companions as soon as they pulled over for a break.

• • •

"You know what I call your efforts? Pathetic." Rebekah snarks, glaring fiercely at the line-up before her. The blonde had done a check of the entire house, testing its cleanliness, and the results weren't promising.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now