Chapter 12

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"I know you wanted a girls' night, but this can't be right. It feels dirty." Luna whines.

"Relax, I'm only braiding your hair, it's not like I'm pimping you out!" Rebekah sighs while trying to remember which strand was next. She and Luna were seated in the living room on the mattresses they had dragged down, well, Rebekah had dragged them down while Luna cheered her on.

After Rebekah's announcement she had explained that she wanted to experience a real girls' night. She had urged her brothers to go out for a few drinks and some male bonding, or 'bro-time' as Luna called it.

Luna hadn't been sure about Rebekah's request, she was concerned for their anonymity. As far as they knew, no one had recognized the Mikaelsons, (Luna had been keeping track of the actors and there hadn't been any updates about clones or 'real-life doppelgangers) and she wanted to keep it that way. It was a weird experience, stalking the actors, who portrayed the characters who live in her house. It helped somewhat that the actors were now a lot older than their characters. Where Rebekah and Kol were teenagers, their actors were already in their thirties. Which made the similarities in their appearances less severe.

The Mikaelson men didn't want to leave their sister and mate alone with the unconscious witch, but Rebekah managed to reassure them.

She had promised to check every half hour to see if the witch was still unconscious. If necessary she would give the witch another good blow, seeing as compulsion didn't work on her kind.

"Same thing" Luna grumbles, wincing slightly when Rebekah tugs one strand particularly harshly.

Rebekah might have impeccable taste when it comes to fashion, but her hair braiding skill requires some practice. Luna dreaded the idea that this had become her role, Rebekah's personal dress-up doll. Don't get her wrong, she would love to twirl around in pretty dresses, only the road to that result was quite appalling to her.

Rebekah had already ripped through her closet. She had criticized the contents of the closet on her first day in Luna's home and had done the same today. Luna didn't understand Rebekah's disappointment, it wasn't like Luna had bought an entirely new wardrobe in the past few days. Rebekah had set herself up for failure.

"How are you coming up with all these activities anyway?" Luna asks as she ran her hands through the different magazines that laid scattered on the matrasses. Rebekah was trying to recreate the intricate braid of one of the models.

"Movies" Rebekah smiles sheepishly at the brunette. She brushes her fingers through Luna's hair, undoing the untidy braid. Giving up she retook her original spot next to Luna, grabbing the bowl of popcorn.

"Were the twenties really this exuberant?" Luna questions as she shifts her gaze back to the TV which was showing The Great Gatsby.

Luna had suggested watching this movie, it was iconic, and seeing as Rebekah had lived in that period, she had hoped it would appeal to the blonde, seeing something familiar.

"Yes, they were." Rebekah's eyes glaze over, reminiscing about her party years. Rebekah had loved the twenties, besides the parties, there was also a new wave of awareness amongst women, there was no need for corsets or long hair. It was liberating. That was until Niklaus had decided to dagger her again.

"The parties were extravagant, the music was flowing and the speakeasies were filled with the scent of liquor and smoke." Rebekah smiles dreamily before blinking and shifting her gaze back to her friend. "You would have enjoyed it."

"I don't exactly see myself as a flapper girl, Bekah." Luna grins at the thought of herself with a beaded dress adorned with a boa and sequins'.

"It wasn't just the parties. The modernist era was incredible to experience. Jazz might not be your taste in music, but I'm willing to bet you would have loved the revolution that took place in the visual arts, architecture, and fashion. Kandinsky, Tchaikovsky, Chanel, Rietveld, Munch..." Rebekah trails off.

Lovely • Mikaelsons mate (Currently editing)Where stories live. Discover now